9.2.8 Post-installation Steps for Upgrade

Perform the following post-installation steps:
  1. Secure your OFSAA Infrastructure. For more information, see the OFSAA Security Guide in the OHC Documentation Library.
  2. After successful installation, follow these steps:
    1. Clear the application cache. Navigate to the following path depending on the configured web application server and delete the files.
      • Tomcat:

        <Tomcat installation directory>/work/Catalina/localhost/<Application name>/org/apache/jsp

      • WebLogic:

        <WebLogic installation location>/domains/<Domain name>/servers/<Server name>/tmp/_WL_user/<Application name>/<auto generated directory>/jsp_servlet

        For WebLogic version 12.2.x.x, delete the directory named .WL_internal present in the <WebLogic installation location>/user_projects/domains/< Domain name >/applications/<context_name>.ear/META-INF/ directory, if it exists.

      • WebSphere:

        <WebSphere installation directory>/AppServer/profiles/<Profile name>/temp/<Node name>/server1/<Application name>/<.war file name>

    2. Deploy the RPD and catalog file(s):


      Ensure that OBIEE or OAS 5.5.0 is up and running.
      Take a backup of the deployed HM.rpd and HM.catalog files from the OBIEE environment.
      1. Navigate to the following RPD and catalog folders. Copy the RPD and required Catalog files (as per the license agreement) in the server where the BI client tools are installed:

        $FIC_HOME/OFS_HM_DASHBOARDS/ directory containing the HM.rpd in the datamodel directory and archived.

      2. Modify the connection pool and set the properties.
      3. Any customizations performed on the older rpd and web catalog files must be manually carried over to the newer ones post-deployment.
      4. Clear OBIEE cache, if enabled.
      5. For more information on deploying RPD and webcat files, see the Deploying RPD and Webcatalog Files section.
  3. Add umask 0027 in the .profile of the UNIX account which manages the web server to ensure restricted access permissions.
  4. Follow these steps to remove ContextDocLoader from the web.xml file:
    1. Navigate to $FIC_WEB_HOME/webroot/WEB-INF folder.
    2. Open the web.xml file in a text editor.
    3. Search for ContextDocLoader parameter and remove the following servlet entry:







  5. Generate the application EAR or WAR file and redeploy the application onto your configured web application server. See Create and Deploy the EAR or WAR Files, for more information on generating and deploying the EAR/WAR files.
  6. Restart all the OFSAAI services. See the Stop the Infrastructure Services and Start the Infrastructure Services sections in the OFS AAI Release Installation and Configuration Guide for details.
  7. Verify the log files in the locations mentioned in section Verifying the Log Files. You can also verify the OFSAAI log files from OFS_HM _PACK/OFS_AAAI_PACK/logs directory.
  8. Follow the steps mentioned in the Post Installation Steps section.
  9. To configure OBIEE or OAS, follow the steps mentioned in the BI Analytics - OBIEE Server Configuration Steps section.