Remove the Entries from the web.xml file

Before you run the ant.sh utility to create the .war or .ear file, you must remove the following entry in the web.xml file:
  1. Navigate to the $FIC_HOME/ficweb/webroot/WEB-INF directory.
  2. Edit the web.xml file.
  3. Delete the following entries:
      • <servlet>


        <servlet-class>com.ofs.fsapps.commonapps.core.summary .common.ContextDocLoader</servlet-class>



    1. <servlet>


      <servlet-class>com.ofs.fsapps.llfp.servlet.LoanForecastingDispatcherServlet</servlet-class> </servlet>

    2. <servlet-mapping>




  4. <servlet>




  5. <servlet-mapping>




After you complete the above steps you must Create and deploy EAR/WAR files and Start the OFSAA Infrastructure services.