4.1.3 Viewing an Entity Graph

This section displays a graphical representation of the case consisting of Customers, Accounts, and Derived Entity (External Entity) involved in the selected case.

  • Customers, Accounts, External Entities, Cases, and Events are displayed as nodes.
  • The relationships which occur between these nodes display as links. Edges may be relationships between the nodes like a customer having an account, similarity edges, and relationship edges to show linked entities or transactions.
  • Back-office transactions are not displayed in this graph.

To customize the graph, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the individual icon to view the details. For example, if you right-click on the account, then view the details such as Address, Business Domain, City, Entity type, Jurisdiction, and so on.
    • Click Expand - Fetch neighbors based on configurable hop count to expand that particular node 1 hop in each direction to view the additional information about Account/Customer/Derived Entity.


      You can expand graph from any given node 1 hop in each direction using Expand - Fetch neighbors based on configurable hop count.

    • Click Drop - Delete selected vertices and edges to remove vertices and edges from the network.
    • Click Focus - Drops everything and fetches n-hop neighbors of selected vertices to focus only from the network.
  2. On the right pane, click on the individual check box such as Account, Case, Customer, Event and so on to unlink from the case.
  3. Click Update Graph Data to view the updated graph based on changes made in the transactions and the entities of the case. For example, if users remove a customer from the graph and then click Update Graph Data, then a decision needs to be made whether to remove the accounts for that customer, and the associated transactions tied to the accounts will be removed from the list of case transactions and will not be included in the dossier.
  4. Click Network Evolution to visualize evolution of the entity graph.
    • Click Play Network Evolution Play Network Evolution icon to view the network evolution in the case.
    • Click Reset Network Evolution Reset Network Evolution icon to reset the network evolution.

      To control network evolution settings, follow these steps:

    1. Click Settings. The Network Evolution Settings pane is displayed.

      Table 4-5 Network Evolution Settings pane - Fields and Descriptions

      Field Description
      Based on Select type from the drop-down list based on which network evolution to be performed . The available options are Vertices, Edges, Vertices and Edges.
      Increment Enter increment value for which network evolution chart to be incremented.
      Time Unit Select time unit from the drop-down list for X-axis of the network evolution chart. The available options are Second, Minute, Hour, Day, Week, Month, and Year.
      Chart Type Select chart type from the drop-down list. The available options are Bar chart and Line chart.
      Height (in px) Enter height of the network evolution chart (in pixels) to be displayed.
      Milliseconds Between Steps Enter milliseconds between the steps to control speed of the network evolution.
      Number of Items per Step Enter number to control vertices/edges changes per step.
    2. Click Reset to Default to retain the default settings.
    3. Click Save to save the updated changes.
  5. Click Full Screen to expand a graph and view the graph in full-screen mode for better investigation process.
  6. Click UI Setting button to customize the graphical representation. The Graph UI Settings pane is displayed.
    • Click Edit and select the column that you want to be added/edited.
    • Click Save to save your updates.


    • Click Reset to Default to retain the default settings.
  7. Click Move/Zoom Move icon to move the graph and also zoom in or zoom out based on your requirement.
  8. Click Fit to Screen Fit to Screen icon to fit the graph as per page size.
  9. Click Toggles Sticky Mode Toggles Sticky Mode icon to press the keys in a key combination in sequence rather than simultaneously.
  10. Click History button to view the actions carried out in the graph.