4.1.2 Using Entity View

This topic provides information about investigating case type in an Entity view.

On the Case Summary page, click on the Entity View button to view the entity details. The Entity Details page contains the following sections.

Selecting an Entity

From the Entity Details drop-down list, select the entity. The available entities are internal entities (customers) and external entities.


Users can delete entities associated with the case using the Delete option, but you cannot delete the primary entity of the case.

Adding an Entity

You can add either internal entities (customers) or external entities using the Add Entity button.


You cannot add entity when status of the case is closed.

To add an entity, follow these steps:
  1. Click Add Entity. The select Entity pane is displayed.

    Table 4-4 Entity List - Fields and Descriptions

    Field Description
    Add Entity Add a new entity to the case.
    Customer ID Displays the Customer ID of this Entity.
    Internal ID Displays the Internal ID of this Entity.
    Full Name Displays the Full Name of this Entity.
    Tax ID Displays the Tax ID of this Entity.
    Customer Type Displays the type of customers of this Entity.
    Entity Type Displays the Entity Type. The types are Customer and External.
    Organization Name Displays the Organization Name of this Entity.
    Phone Displays the phone number of this entity.
    Email Displays the Email ID of this entity.
    Address Displays the address information of this entity.
  2. Click Add Entity Add Entity icon to add a new entity to the case. The Add Entity pane is displayed.
  3. Select the Involvement Type from the drop-down list. The available options are:
    • Conductor
    • Not Involved
    • Other
    • Suspect
    • Unknown
    • Victim
    • Witness
  4. Click Add Entity. The newly added records are displayed in the Entity list.


To apply the filter to narrow down your search, click on the Search bar and select the required filter options from the drop-down list. The available options are Customer Type, and Entity Type.

For example, if Entity Type is selected then select the required options. The options are Internal Entity and External Entity.

Profile Summary

This section displays the profile summary of the entity. Click on the Profile Summary hyperlink to view more information about this entity, such as Details, Customer Info, Shared attributes, Additional Involvement and Related accounts.


To update Involvement Type for the particular entity, follow these steps:
  1. Click Profile Summary hyperlink to view the Profile page.
  2. Click Update hyperlink on the Involvement Type. The Set Involvement Type pane is displayed.
  3. Select the required Involvement Type from the drop-down list.
  4. Click Update Involvement Type. The entity is updated with the selected Involvement Type.

Risk Summary

This section displays the risk summary of the entity. Click on the Risk Summary hyperlink to view more information about this entity, such as Adverse Media Scans, Risk Summary, Risk Score History, and Watch List Scans.

Compliance Summary

This section displays the compliance summary of the entity. Click on the Compliance Summary hyperlink to view more information about this entity, such as Case Details, Events, SARs, Timeline, and so on.

To view the compliance summary details, follow these steps:
  1. Click on the Compliance Summary hyperlink. The Compliance Summary pane is displayed.
  2. Click View SAR, Event and Case Details hyperlink. The SAR(s), Events and Case Details pane is displayed. You can view SAR(s), Events and Case Details in detail.


    To use the search bar options, see the Using Interactive Reports section.

  3. Click Cancel to close the pane.
In the Top Case List section,
  • You can view the top case lists that are associated with this entity.
In the Timeline section,
  • You can view the timeline for the actual events.

Account Data

This section displays the account summary of the entity. Click on the Account Summary hyperlink to view more information about this entity, such as Account, Account Detail, Account Stats Current Year, Source of Funds, and so on.

You can navigate to the following sections by clicking the Account Summary hyperlink on the Entity View page.

Account Detail

You can view the account information in detail.

Account Stats Current Year

You can view average and current amounts for deposits and withdrawals made in the current year.

Channel Utilization

This chart displays the channel utilization for the selected account.

Transaction History and List View Tabs

This section displays the withdrawal and deposit amounts for the selected account. You can view this transaction history periodically using the From and TO drop-down lists.

List View Tab

This section lists all the transaction information for the selected account.


  • You can view the alerted transaction list which is tagged as Alerted in the Alerted Flag column. It also displays the Case and Event IDs that are associated with this transaction.
  • To use the search bar options, see the Using Interactive Reports section.
  • Enable Alerted Transactions toggle switch to the right to view the transaction amount to be alerted.

Source of Funds

This graph represents the source of funds for the selected account.

Most Common Counter Party

This graph represents which counter party is most active on the account. You can view data in the list view by clicking the List View button. By default, it is displayed as Chart View.

Customer Activity (Current vs. Prior Year)

This graph compares the selected account's current and prior years of customer activity.