2.3 Installation Check List

To complete the installation process, you must perform the following steps listed in the Pre-install Checklist. Use this checklist to verify whether these steps are completed or not.

Table 2-1 Installation Checklist

Sl. No. Activity
Pre-installation Steps
1 Install all the prerequisite hardware and software as per the OFS Analytical Applications Technology Matrix.
2 Configure the Database Instance Settings.

Create the Installation, Download, and Metadata Repository Directories:

  • Installation Directory
  • Temporary Directory
  • Staging Area/Metadata Repository
  • Download Directory

Configure the following Operating System and File System Settings:

  • File Descriptor
  • Total number of processes
  • Port(s)
  • .profile file permissions
  • Add FTP or SFTP Configuration for file transfer (to access Staging Area and Metadata Directory)

Update the following Environment Settings as required for the installation in the .profile file:

  • Java Settings
    • Oracle Database Server and Client Settings
    • Add TNS entries in the TNSNAMES.ORA file
    • Time Zone Settings

Installation Steps

6 Download the Installer Kit.
7 Extract the Installer Kit.
8 Configure the config.sh file.
9 Trigger the Application Installation.
Post-Installation Steps
10 Access the MMG Application.
11 Create Application Users.
12 Map Application User(s) to User Groups.