Create Migration Export Object Definitions

You can create Migration Export object definitions for the following object types.
  • Batch Group
  • Threshold
  • PMF Process
  • Batch
  • Pipeline
  • Schedule
  • Job
To create a definition for export of objects to be migrated, do as follows:
  1. Click Add in the Object Export Summary page to display the Migration Definition window.

    Figure 10-3 Migration Definition window

    This image displays the Migration Definition window.

  2. In the Migration Definition window, enter the details for the following:
    • Migration Name: Enter the code of the export of objects to be migrated definition. This is a unique identifier.
    • File Name: The system auto-creates the file name of the objects that can be used to export the definition in the following format:
      • For Business Objects: Migration Name_BO_Time Stamp (MMDDYYY HHMMSS)
      • For Identity Objects: Migration Name_IDM_Time Stamp (MMDDYYY HHMMYY)
  3. Click Apply to save the details.
    The Object Selection Page is displayed.
  4. In the Object Selection page, select the required Object Type from the Object Types drop-down list. The object types listed for the System Configuration tab are, Schedule, Batch group, Batch, Pipeline, Threshold, Job and PMF process. For more information about the object types, refer Migration Object Types.
    You can also enter the first few letters in Search to add a particular object from a selected Object type.
    The list of objects is displayed.
  5. Select the objects to be added to the Migrate Definition.
    The selected objects are added to the respective object type branch.
  6. Click Saveto create the Migrate Definition.
    A confirmation message is displayed, when the definition is saved successfully.
    The new migration definition is listed in the Object Export Summary page and the status is set to Saved.


    If the migration definition object is not created successfully and the status is set to Failed. Contact My Oracle Support of more information.