View Migration Objects to be Exported

You can view and edit the migration objects from the Object Export Summary page.

To view the list of migration export objects associated with a migration definition, highlight the migration definition and click Menubutton.

You can:

Table 10-1 View Migration Export Objects

Field Description
View Log View the migration log details of the selected Migration Definition. For more information, refer to View Log of Migration Export Objects.

View the Object Details for a specific Migration Definition.

Click an object to view more details.

For more information, refer to Viewing Export Migration Object Details.


Click Export to initiate Object Migration (Export) for a specific Migration Definition.

When the migration is completed, the status will change from Saved to Success.

For more information, refer to Exporting Migration Objects.


Click Edit to view and edit the objects linked to a Migration Definition.

For more information, refer to Editing Migration Export Definitions.