
Click Notification icon to display the notifications from the application. In the current release, only data population related notifications are displayed. You can delete the notifications by clicking on the Delete when no longer needed.
To add or modify the notification details, perform the following:
  1. In the header of the Home page, click on the Notifications icon.
    The Notifications are displayed.
  2. In the Notifications screen, click Notification Settings icon.
    The Notifications Settings page is displayed.
  3. Select the required options from the Notification Settings page and click Update Data Population. If you select the User group, they will be notified via User Interface with the alerts under Notification icon and if you want to get the notifications in email, add the user name and email ID so that whenever a data population is triggered, an email notification is shared to the user.

    Figure 4-3 Notification Settings

    This image displays the Notification Settings.

    The notification alerts details are updated.


    An email notification is sent to the default email id added in AAICL_SMS_USER_PROFILE present in the Config Schema.