Defining Correlation Scoring Rule

Step 1: Create rules for Correlation Scoring

To create rules for Correlation Scoring, follow these steps:
  1. Hover on the Correlation Scoring widget Correlation Scoring widgetand click Edit Edit icon. The Ruleset Details window is displayed for the Correlation Scoring widget.
    (Optional) <Enter a step example.>
  2. Provide the details as described in the following table.

    Table 6-5 Fields to Define Correlation Scoring Pipeline

    Field Description
    Ruleset Name Enter the name for the correlation scoring rule.
    Ruleset Description Enter the description for the correlation scoring rule.
    Scoring Aggregation Type Select the scoring aggregation type from the Scoring Aggregation Type drop-down list. There are three Score Aggregation Types:
    • SUM: This option calculates the sum of the scores among the associated rules and assigns it as the final score.
    • MIN: This option calculates the minimum score among the associated rules and assigns it as the score.
    • MAX: This option calculates the maximum score among the associated rules and assigns it as the score.
    Rules Define the conditions using the Rules section for scoring. For more information, see the Adding a Rule section.
  3. To add a rule, click Add Add iconon the left (Rules pane) and specify conditions for the rule. You can add multiple rules and multiple conditions under each rule. For more information, see the Adding a Rule section.
  4. Click Save Save icon to save the changes.
  5. Add more rules as needed to define all the rules for Correlation Scoring.
    You can perform certain tasks that are common in all the widgets, such as edit, delete, filter, and so on. For more information, see the Common Tasks section.