Price Assignment Search Mechanism

Note: This topic is not applicable for the health insurance business.

The price assignment search algorithm searches effective price item pricing based on the following parameters:

  • Search Order — Used to indicate the order in which the system must search effective price item pricing at various levels in the customer hierarchy. This is a mandatory parameter. The valid values are:

    If you select the following value... Then the effective price item pricing is searched at the following levels in the specified order...
    1. Account Agreed — Means price item pricing is agreed for the account in the hierarchy.

    2. Account Price List — Means price item pricing is defined within the price list which is assigned to the account.

    3. Account Inherited Price List — Means price item pricing is inherited from the hierarchy defined for the price list which is assigned to the account.

    4. Customer Agreed — Means price item pricing is agreed for the customer in the hierarchy.

    5. Customer Price List — Means price item pricing is defined within the price list which is assigned to the customer.

    6. Customer Inherited Price List — Means price item pricing is inherited from the hierarchy defined for the price list which is assigned to the customer.

    7. Parent Customer Agreed — Means price item pricing is agreed for the parent customer in the hierarchy.

    8. Parent Customer Price List — Means price item pricing is defined within the price list which is assigned to the parent customer.

    9. Parent Customer Inherited Price List — Means price item pricing is inherited from the hierarchy defined for the price list which is assigned to the parent customer.

    1. Account Agreed — Means price item pricing is agreed for the account in the hierarchy.

    2. Customer Agreed — Means price item pricing is agreed for the customer in the hierarchy.

    3. Parent Customer Agreed — Means price item pricing is agreed for the parent customer in the hierarchy.

    4. Account Price List — Means price item pricing is defined within the price list which is assigned to the account.

    5. Account Inherited Price List — Means price item pricing is inherited from the hierarchy defined for the price list which is assigned to the account.

    6. Customer Price List — Means price item pricing is defined within the price list which is assigned to the customer.

    7. Customer Inherited Price List — Means price item pricing is inherited from the hierarchy defined for the price list which is assigned to the customer.

    8. Parent Customer Price List — Means price item pricing is defined within the price list which is assigned to the parent customer.

    9. Parent Customer Inherited Price List — Means price item pricing is inherited from the hierarchy defined for the price list which is assigned to the parent customer.

    Note: In these price assignment search orders, the account agreed level has highest precedence and parent customer inherited price list level has lowest precedence.
  • Default Price List ID — Used to indicate the default price list. If the effective price item pricing is not available at any level in the customer hierarchy, the system checks whether the default price list is specified in the price assignment search algorithm. If the default price list is specified in the algorithm, the system checks whether effective price item pricing is available in the default price list.

  • Global Price List — Used to indicate whether the system should consider the price item pricing defined in the global price list. If the effective price item pricing is not available in the default price list or if the default price list is not specified in the price assignment search algorithm, the system checks whether it should consider the price item pricing defined in the global price list. The valid values are:

    • Y

    • N

    Finally, if the effective price item pricing is not available in either default and/or global price list, an error message occurs indicating that the effective price item pricing is not available in the system.

  • Prefer Price Item Over Bundle — Used to indicate whether to prefer price item, regular bundle, or parent bundle pricing when the price item, regular bundle (to which the price item belongs), and parent (regular) bundle (i.e. to which the regular bundle belongs) are assigned at the same level. The valid values are:

    • Y

    • N

    If the value of the Prefer Price Item Over Bundle parameter is set to Y, the system first searches whether effective pricing is available for the price item. If the effective pricing is not available for the price item, then the system searches whether effective pricing is available for the regular bundle at the same level. If the effective pricing is not available for the regular bundle, then the system searches whether effective pricing is available for the parent bundle at the same level. However, if the value of the Prefer Price Item Over Bundle parameter is set to N, the system first searches whether effective pricing is available for the parent bundle. If the effective pricing is not available for the parent bundle, then the system searches whether effective pricing is available for the regular bundle at the same level. If the effective pricing is not available for the regular bundle, then the system searches whether effective pricing is available for the price item at the same level.

  • Person Relationship Type Sequence Algorithm — Used to attach an algorithm which is defined using the C1-CUSRLALGT algorithm type. The attached algorithm is used while searching effective price item pricing at the parent customer level. It indicates whether the system should search person to person relationship type sequence defined:

    • For the division, price item, and price item parameters combination

    • For the division

    • In the C1_​PER_​REL feature configuration

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