Bill Details

The following diagram illustrates the relationship between an account and its bills:

The figure illustrates the relationship between an account and its bills.

The following concepts are illustrated above:

A bill is produced for an account Over time, many bills are produced for an account. A bill charges for the services supplied to a customer. The above illustration shows a single bill.

Bills contain bill segments A bill typically contains one bill segment for every active contract linked to its account. The only time this is not true is when contracts for different frequencies exist. For example, an account with a monthly and a quarterly contract will only have 4 bills a year that contain both bill segments; the other months' bills will contain a single bill segment for the monthly contract.

Bill segments contain calculation details A bill segment contains information showing how the segment was calculated and how it should be printed on the customer's bill.

A bill segment has a financial transaction A bill segment has a related financial transaction. A financial transaction contains the financial effects of the bill segment on the contract's current and payoff balances and on the general ledger.

Canceling a bill cancels the financial tran. If the bill segment is eventually cancelled, another financial transaction will be linked to the bill segment to reverse its original financial transaction. The cancellation financial transaction appears on the next bill produced for the account as a bill correction.