Designing Bill Periods

Bill periods are used by contracts whose bill end dates need to fall on strict dates. You need only set up this information if you have this type of contract.

Fastpath: Refer to Ways To Control The End Date Of A Bill Segment for more information.

Every bill period has a calendar that defines when bill segments are created for contracts that use the bill period. Examples of bill periods include:

  • Quarterly Bill - Last Day Of Quarter
  • Quarterly Future Bill - Last Day Of Quarter
  • Monthly - 15 th Day Of Month
  • Monthly Future Bill - Last Day Of Month
The following table illustrates how a schedule can be defined for the Quarterly Bill - Last Day of Quarter bill period:
Earliest Date On Which To Create A Bill Segment Bill End Date
1-Oct-1998 30-Sep-1998
1-Jan-1999 31-Dec-1998
1-Apr-1999 31-Mar-1999
1-Jul-1999 30-Jun-1999
The following table illustrates how a schedule can be defined for the Quarterly Future Bill - Last Day of Quarter bill period:
Earliest Date On Which To Create A Bill Segment Bill End Date
15-Dec-1998 31-Mar-1999
15-Mar-1999 30-Jun-1999

The remainder of this section provides examples using the above calendars.

The following example assumes the following:

  • The contract starts on 18-Dec-1998.
  • The contract's contract type references the Quarterly Future Bill - Last Day Of Quarter bill period.
The following table illustrates how a schedule can be defined for the Monthly - 15 th Day Of Month bill period:
Earliest Date Segment Will Be Produced Bill Period
18-Dec-1998 18-Dec-1998 thru 31-Mar-1999
15-Mar-1999 1-Apr-1999 thru 30-Jun-1999

The following example assumes the following:

  • The contract starts on 18-Dec-1998.
  • The contract's contract type references the Quarterly Bill - Last Day Of Quarter bill period.
The following table illustrates how a schedule can be defined for the Monthly Future Bill - Last Day of Month bill period:
Earliest Date Segment Will Be Produced Bill Period
1-Jan-1999 18-Dec-1998 thru 31-Dec-1998
1-Apr-1999 1-Jan-1999 thru 31-Mar-1999

Fastpath: Refer to Setting Up Bill Periods for information about how to define this information.