SC Membership Type - Main

Service credit memberships have a membership type. Open Admin Menu, Service Credit Membership Type to define the membership type.

Description of Page

Enter a unique Service Credit Membership Type and Description for each membership type.

Use the Contract Requirement flag to indicate whether a miscellaneous contract must be linked to memberships of this type. The possible values are Contract Required and Contract Not Allowed.

Note: Default Note. The value defaults to Contract Required.

Use the Fiscal Year Requirement flag to indicate whether events linked to memberships of this type should indicate a fiscal year. The possible values are Fiscal Year Required and Fiscal Year Not Allowed.

Note: Default Note. The value defaults to Fiscal Year Not Allowed.

Use the SCM Event Balance flag to indicate whether or not a balance of service credit events linked to memberships of this type should be calculated and displayed. The possible values are Has a Balance and No Balance.

Note: Default Note. The value defaults to Has a Balance.

Use the SC Membership Type Unit flag to indicate whether or not the unit for the event amounts for events linked to memberships of this type is Currency or Credit Unit. When the unit is currency, indicate the Currency Code. When the unit is credit unit, indicate the Credit Unit.

If events linked to memberships of this type must indicate a subcategory, enter a valid Subcategory Name and Description for each subcategory applicable to this membership.

Fastpath: Refer to Events May Indicate a Subcategory for more information.

Use the Contract Types grid to indicate the types of contracts that contribute to memberships of this type. Indicate the Division and Contract Type for each type of contract that is related to a membership of this type.

Where Used

Follow this link to open the data dictionary where you can view the tables that reference CI_​SCM_​TYPE.