Enabling The Generation Of Simulated Bill Segments

As described under Creating Quotes And Quote Details, in order for the system to generate simulated bill segments for a proposal contract, you must plug-in a Proposal Contract Bill Segment Generation algorithm on the proposal contract's Contract type. Refer to CBSP-AR for an example algorithm that creates a simulated bill segments for each billing scenario linked to the proposal contract by calling rate application.

Note: Interval pricing contracts. If you have proposal contracts that require the derivation of interval profiles from other interval profiles, you must also plug-in another Proposal Contract Bill Segment Generation on the interval contract type. Refer to CBSP-IDDRV for an example algorithm that performs derivation. When you plug-in this type of algorithm, don't forget to use a sequence number less than the one that generates the simulated bill segments (see above); otherwise, the derived interval profiles won't exist when rate application is called.