Setting Up Workflow Event Types

Workflow event types control what is done by a given workflow event. Open Admin Menu, Workflow Event Type to define your workflow event types.

Fastpath: Refer to Designing Workflow Event Types f or more information.

Description of Page

Enter a unique Workflow Event Type and Description for the event type.

Turn on Allow Manual Completion if an operator is allowed to change the status of workflow events of this type to Complete.

The Event Activation Algorithm is used by the system when it activates a workflow event of this type. Refer to Executing Workflow Events On Their Trigger Date and Designing Workflow Event Types for more information. If you haven't done so already, you must set up this algorithm in the system. To do this:

  • Create a new algorithm (refer to Setting Up Algorithms).
  • On this algorithm, reference an Algorithm Type that is associated with workflow event activation. The system comes supplied with several sample algorithm types that should be used as a sample if you have to write a new algorithm type. Click here to see the algorithm types available for this system event.

The Event Failure Algorithm is used by the system when a workflow event of this type fails. This algorithm need only be defined if events of this type can fail. Refer to Some Workflow Events May Fail and Designing Workflow Event Types for more information. If you haven't done so already, you must set up this algorithm in the system. To do this:

  • Create a new algorithm (refer to Setting Up Algorithms ).
  • On this algorithm, reference an Algorithm Type that is associated with workflow event failure. The system comes supplied with several sample algorithm types that should be used as a sample if you have to write a new algorithm type. Click here to see the algorithm types available for this system event.

The Wait Process is the background process responsible for monitoring workflow events of this type that are in the Waiting state. Refer to Waiting Events And Their Waiting Process for more information.

Where Used

Follow this link to view the tables that reference CI_​WF_​EVT_​TYPE in the data dictionary schema viewer.