Account Security and Control Central

This section summarizes the impact of account security on the Insurance Control Central and Collection Control Central screens:

  • Searches are affected as follows:
    • An account will only be visible if a user has access to the account's access group.
    • Persons that are not linked to accounts will be visible to all users.
    • If a person is linked to an account, the person will only be visible if the user has access to at least one of the person's accounts.
  • The alerts that highlight the existence of "multiple relationships" are not impacted by account security. Specifically:
    • The alert Person has multiple accounts will appear if the selected person is linked to multiple accounts, even if the user doesn't have access to every account. Note well, the person couldn't have been selected if the user didn't have access rights to at least one account.
  • Only accounts to which the user has access will be displayed in the person tree.
  • Only accounts to which the user has access will be displayed in the account tree.
  • All other pages contain information related to the current account context. The current account context can never reference an inaccessible account and therefore these pages are not impacted by account security.

Related Topics:

Parent Topic: Implementing Account Security