Completing A Batch Program That's Part Of A Job Stream

When a batch program completes, a common routine is called. The following flowchart provides a schematic of this routine's logic where the additional logic applicable to the batch scheduler is highlighted in red.

The figure indicates how a batch program is executed through a batch scheduler.

The following points summarize important concepts regarding the batch scheduler logic illustrated in the flowchart:

  • If at least one thread fails and this batch job is one related to a scheduled job stream, the status of the corresponding workflow event is changed to Error.
  • If all threads are successful, and this batch job is one related to a scheduled job stream,
    • The status of the corresponding workflow event is changed to Complete.
    • In addition, a Pending batch job is submitted to activate workflow events that are dependent on the completion of a batch job. When this job executes, the "downstream" batch jobs will be submitted (and then the logic shown above starts again).
Note: Batch Run Number. The routine also creates a characteristic for the workflow event to capture the batch run number associated with this batch run. The characteristic type to use is defined on the feature configuration.