Parallel Background Processes

Many processes have been designed to run in parallel in order to speed execution. This is referred to as running the process with multiple “threads”.

The system provides two strategies for distributing the data to the multiple threads.

  • Thread Level SQL Select. This strategy is sometimes referred to as the “thread iterator” strategy. In this strategy, the batch job uses the primary key to figure out how to evenly distribute key ranges to each thread. Each thread is then responsible for selecting the records. In this strategy, the threads should also re-select the data periodically to release the cursor, which aids in performance. Note that this strategy is preferred but may only be used under the following conditions:

    • The data from only one maintenance object is being processed.
    • The primary key for the maintenance object is a single, numeric system generated key.
    Note: Parameters may be used to override the low and high id. Refer to Parameters Supplied to Background Processes for more information.
  • Job Level SQL Select. This strategy is sometimes referred to as the “standard commit” strategy. In this strategy, the keys for the records to be processed by the batch job are all selected first and stored in a temporary table. The batch job then supplies each thread with a range of keys that it should process. This strategy is used if multiple maintenance objects are being processed by the batch job; if the primary key of the maintenance object has multiple parts or if the primary key is non-numeric.

The multi-threading logic relies on the fact that primary keys for master and transaction data are typically system generated random keys. In addition, if the data is partitioned, it is expected to be partitioned based on the primary key.

Note: The detailed description in the metadata for each batch control provided with the system should indicate if it may be run in parallel. Note that the strategy used is not typically indicated in the detailed description.
Note: Overriding the thread ranges. Your implementation has the ability to override the thread ranges if certain data in your system takes longer to process. For example, imagine you have a single account in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing that has thousands of service agreements (maybe the account for a large corporation or a major city). You may want to set up the thread ranges to put this large account into its own thread and distribute the other accounts to the other threads. To do this, you should create the appropriate batch thread records ahead of time in a status of Thread Ready ( 50) with the key ranges pre-populated. Note that the base product does not provide the ability to add batch thread records online. If you are interested in more information about this technique, contact Customer Support.

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Parent Topic: Understanding Background Processes