Plug-in Driven Background Processes

Although the product is delivered with a rich library of background processes, implementations may have business requirements that require new processes to be introduced. It is possible for an implementation to write a background process from scratch using a base process as a template. However, the product also provides base background processes that call algorithms to do the work that is needed. These are called plug-in driven background processes. There are three major types of plug-in driven batch processes:

  • Processes that act on records that are stored in the database in the system. These types of processes require SQL to select the records along with the logic to process the records.
  • Processes that extract information to a file. These types of processes require SQL to select the records along with the logic to select the information and return it such that the process can write the information based on various settings.
  • Processes that import data from a file and store new records in the system as a result. These types of processes require an algorithm that is able to map the data from the file to appropriate new records in the system

The subsequent sections provide more detail about the three types of plug-in driven background processes.

Related Topics:

Parent Topic: Understanding Background Processes