Define the Outbound Message Business Object and Type

The product supplies many outbound message Business Objects along with Outbound Message Types for out of the box functionality.

In addition, implementations may need to define configuration for custom outbound messages. For each outbound message that must be sent to an external system, create a business object for the outbound message maintenance object. Using the business object's schema definition, your implementation defines the elements that make up the XML Source field (XML_​SOURCE). These are the elements that are the basis for the XML message. XSL transformations may be applied to this XML source to produce the XML message.

If your integration is real-time and a response is expected, the Outbound Message business object should also map to the XML Response field (XML_​RESPONSE).

  • You may decide to capture the response as is and define the element as “raw”. For example

    <responseDetail mapXML="XML_RESPONSE" type="raw"/>

    In this scenario, a Response XSL may or may not be needed.

  • Alternatively, if the details of the response are needed, you may define specific elements for the response. For this option, depending on how the integration is designed, a Response XSL may be needed to transform the response into the expected XML format.

Once you have your business object and schema, define an outbound message type for each unique outbound message.

Referencing an XSL

The system supports defining the XSLs as a managed content record. For backward compatibility, the system supports defining the XSL as a file in the file system. This is a system wide setting, defined using a feature configuration option. The feature type is External Messages and the option type is XSL Location. Set the value to F1FL to support XSL in the file system. The file location is configured using a system property. To support the XSL in managed content, no option is needed as this is the default. You may explicitly define the value of F1MC if desired.

Capturing the Outbound Message ID in the Message

If your integration would like to use the system generated Outbound Message ID as a unique identifier with the external system, the following configuration is needed:

  • Define an element within the XML Source that should be populated with the system generated outbound message.

  • Configure a BO Option on the outbound message’s business object using the Option Type Outbound Message ID XPath and set the Option Value to the XPath of the element defined to capture the ID.

Note: This functionality is only applicable if the outbound message is persisted.

Support for Dynamic URLs

The product supports the ability to build a dynamic URLs. These are cases where the URL requires information determined at runtime. This is supported with a combination of BO schema definition, URL configuration and appropriate code when creating the outbound message. The following points highlight the steps needed to support this functionality.

  • When defining the Message Sender’s URL, use the syntax ${pathParms} in the location of the URL where runtime information must be inserted. For example: http://[SERVER_​NAME]:1000/rest/services/${pathParms}

  • Include the data area F1-OM-DynamicConfig (Outbound message dynamic configuration) in the schema of the business object for the outbound message. This data area includes elements for pathParms and queryParms.

  • In the code that creates the outbound message, populate the pathParms and if applicable queryParms elements with the appropriate information. The system will build the URL by plugging in the pathParms element value followed by a question mark, followed by the queryParms element value into the ${pathParms} location in the URL.

The following is an example of run time values.


Add SOAP Header Parameters at Runtime

The product supports the ability to add SOAP header parameters to an external message at runtime. The following points highlight the steps needed to support this functionality.

  • Include the data area F1-OM-DynamicConfig (Outbound message dynamic configuration) in the schema of the business object for the outbound message. This data area includes the element soapHeaders .

  • In the code that creates the outbound message, populate the soapHeaders element with the self contained XML to add to the SOAP header section of the outgoing SOAP request.