
This patch contains bug fixes.

Document 2748234.1 contains a list of bugs fixed in the patch.

Document 2748253.1 describes documentation updates to support the patch.

Reporting and Analytics introduces the following changes:
  • The user's landing page default has been changed from Dashboard to My Reports to improve the login experience.

  • All modules and portlets related to Item Alignment have been removed for Simphony enterprises. That applies to the Alignment, Alignment Rules, and Master Groups options of the Warehouse Admin portlet. introduces the following changes:
  • Usability and performance enhancements to the revenue center advanced filter. The new user interface now follows the locations advanced filter. Improvements include:
    • Display and select revenue centers from a flat list, grouped by revenue center master type or grouped by category groups.

    • Easily search by revenue center name, number, or by parent level.

    • Ability to auto-filter revenue centers to the ones available in the selected locations.

  • Several enhancements to the self-service exports module:

    • New export status email notifications. You can now set up status notification emails that show export details for each location. See Export Status Notification Details for more information about the content in the emails and see Schedule Export Status Notifications to enable the notifications.

    • Enhancements to export schedule setup to reduce failures. When activating a schedule, a validation step has been added to make sure the export will generate and deliver successfully.

    • Enhancements to the SFTP delivery option to support non-standard SFTP server port configurations. A new option has been added to define the port number.

    • Added functionality to alert export schedule owners about continuously failing exports and to deactivate them. See Adding an Export Schedule for more details.

    • Added new filename token ${locationRef} which resolves to the location reference value.

  • Added Business Intelligence API support for Australian GST and several enhancements for inclusive tax reporting.

    • In the getGuestChecks API:

      • Changed tax array to always be included.

      • Added taxRate and taxType to the taxes array within the guestChecks array.

      • Added inclTax and activeTaxes to Service Charges and Discounts detail lines.

    • In the getMenuItemDailyTotals API, added inclTaxTtl and forgivenInclTaxTtl.

    • In the getTaxDailyTotals API, added nonTaxableSales.

20.1.10 introduces the following changes:
  • Several enhancements to the Business Intelligence API:
    • In the getGuestChecks API:

      • Added the busDt request parameter to query the superset of guest checks that were opened or closed on the given date. This parameter can be used instead of the opnBusDt or clsdBusDt parameters.

      • Added transfer status (xferStatus) and transfer to check (xferToChkNum) information to the guestChecks array to track transferred checks.

      • Added the check reference (chkRef) to the guestChecks array.

      • Added a new error correct array (errorCorrect) to the detailLines array to identify menu items or service charges that were error corrected on the check.

    • In the getOperationsDailyTotals API, added training check totals (trnChkTtl) and training check count (trnChkCnt).

    • In the getFiscalInvoiceData API, added customer data number (customerDataNum).

    • In the getEmployeeDimensions API, added external payroll ID (extPayrollId) attribute to the response so that employee records can be matched between the Business Intelligence API and the Labor Management API with their unique payroll ID.

    • In all APIs, added the application name (applicationName) as a new optional request parameter. Set this value to the integrated application name to be able to distinguish and debug multiple integrations that call the same end point. This value can be viewed in the request payload in the API activity module.

  • Enhanced the self-service exports delivery mechanism and introduced a new export status Retrying Transport. When a scheduled export fails to deliver, the system will re-try 42 times for a total of three days with increasing intervals (from every 5 minutes, to every 15 minutes, 1 hour, 6 hours, 24 hours) before finally changing to the Failed status.

  • 20.1.10 introduces the following reports for Oracle MICROS Payment Cloud Service:
  • Several enhancements related to fiscal data access and reporting. Those include:
    • New subject areas in the self-service exports module cover fiscal-specific data points. They allow customers to create their own customized exports of fiscal data (Note: Data availability in those subject areas depends on the implementation and requirements of each country's fiscal legislation).

    • New core export template in the self-service exports module covering the most important fiscal subject areas has been added to provide a standard fiscal export and a starting point for customizations.

    • The following fiscal reports have been added. They are in the "Regional" report category.
      • Philippines: BIR eSales, BIR eSales By Location, BIR Non Official Receipts, BIR Official Receipt Register, BIR Official Receipt Register by Location, BIR PWD, BIR Receipt Journal, BIR Senior Citizen Receipts, BIR Service Charge, BIR Summary, BIR VOID Official Receipt Register, BIR Zero Rated, BIR Z-Reading.

      • Spain: SII Data of Simplified Invoices.

      • Taiwan: e-Invoice Daily Report, e-Invoice Summary.

      • Thailand: Tax Daily Detail, Tax Daily Summary, Tax VAT. The six (three pairs) of Thailand fiscal reports that were available in the 9.1 release have been combined into three reports. The 9.1 reports that were named with the “current” suffix can be run in the 20.1 release by selecting the corresponding 20.1 report and setting the date filter to use the current business date.

      • Portugal: SAF-T Invoices.

  • Updated translations across the application. See Supported Languages for a list of supported languages.