Sales Metrics

Metric Name Description Example Reports with Metric

Gross Sales

Total amount of all sales with voids and returns applied. It does not include discounts and add-on taxes. So if no discounts were applied, then it is the total amount of sales.

The Gross Sales total includes:

+ sum of all menu item entries

– all voids of menu item entries

– all returns of menu item entries

+ any voids of returns of menu item entries

The metric is shown on add-on tax variations of reports. For inclusive tax configurations, this value is equivalent to Gross Sales Before Discount.

To view this metric for Simphony locations, follow directions in Configuring Employee Shifts in the Simphony Configuration Guide and enable:
  • Option 49

  • Option 56 and 57

  • Daily Operations

  • Sales Mix

  • Service Performance

  • Key Performance Indicator Comparison

Net Sales

Total amount of all sales activities with discounts, voids, and returns applied. It does not include add-on taxes. Net Sales is based on Gross Sales with the discounts applied.

The Net Sales total includes:

+ sum of all menu item entries

– all voids of menu item entries

– all returns of menu item entries

+ any voids of returns of menu item entries

– all discount entries

+ any voids of discount entries

The metric is shown on add-on tax variations of reports. For inclusive tax configurations, this value is equivalent to Gross Sales after Discount.

  • Daily Operations

  • Sales Mix

  • Service Performance

  • Key Performance Indicator Comparison

Tax Collected

Summary total for tax collected across various tax types.

The tax collected amount is based on taxable menu item sales adjusted for taxable discounts, taxable service charges, voids, and returns.

  • Add-on taxes are calculated by adding all taxes collected at the check level (see the Tax Total description in this table).

  • VAT taxes are calculated in one of two ways:
    • The sum of all taxes based on all taxable sales for the day.

      Calculation: taxable sales - (taxable sales ÷ (1 + VAT rate)).

      An example of the calculation is in the Taxes report.

    • Sum of all menu item taxes less all discount taxes (with extended 6 digit precision).

      Calculation: sum of menu item VAT taxes - Sum of discount VAT taxes.

      An example of the calculation is in the Daily Operations report.

    • When comparing the Daily Operations report with the Taxes report, you may see a rounding difference of a few cents (in EUR) because of the different calculation methods above.

  • Australian GST taxes are calculated taking the sum of all menu item taxes minus taxes forgiven and discount taxes.

    Calculation: sum of menu item GST taxes - sum of forgiven taxes - sum of discount GST taxes.

    An example of the calculation is in the Daily Operations and Taxes reports.

  • Daily Operations

  • Taxes

All Tax Collected

Sum of all taxable menu items and taxable service charge taxes.

This metric is applicable for Australian GST configurations and only appears on inclusive tax variations of the Taxes, System Financial, and Employee Financial reports.

  • Taxes

  • System Financial

  • Employee Financial

Tax Total

Tax is calculated on a check level as follows:
  • Add-on tax calculation:

    Sum of all taxable sales for the check at each applicable tax × tax rate

  • Add-on breakpoint tax method uses “price breaks” to calculate the tax. A price break is the point in the tax table where a $0.01 increase in the sales price increases the tax by $0.01. In a typical 5% breakpoint tax table, if the sales price is $0.20 (price break 1) or less, the tax (n) is $0.01. However, if the sales price is between $0.21 and $0.40, the tax increases by $0.01 (price break 1 + 1), equaling $0.02. Price breaks are usually repeated at regular intervals throughout the tax table.

    This tax is calculated in three steps:
    1. The item price is rounded down to the nearest $10.00. This rounded amount is multiplied by the tax rate to determine Tax A.

    2. The rounded amount from the previous step is subtracted from the item price to determine the remainder. Tax on the remainder is calculated as follows:

      + tax at price break 1

      + tax at price break 2


      + tax at price break n where price break n +1 > item price.

      This tax amount is Tax B.

    3. Tax A and B are then added to calculate the total tax. This method approximates a straight add-on percentage tax.

  • VAT tax

    • The check total level is calculated by adding the taxes of taxable sales (taxable menu items and taxable service charges).

    • The check line item level is calculated by subtracting VAT taxes for discounts from VAT taxes for menu items (with 6 digit extended precision).

    • If a very large check with many items is used, a rounding difference of a few cents can occur when compared to the Taxes report.

  • Australian GST tax

    • The check total level is calculated by adding the taxes of taxable sales (taxable menu items and taxable service charges).

    • Sum of all GST taxes for each menu item - sum of all forgiven taxes - sum of all GST taxes for all discounts.

  • Check Detail

Taxable Sales

The value of sales taxed at a given rate. This figure is calculated using information from all menu item sales and service charges linked to the active tax rate.

Since items can have multiple tax rates assigned, the taxable sales value must not be summed across tax rates.

The Taxable Sales total includes:

+ sum of all taxable menu items sold

– all taxable menu items for which tax was exempted

– all voids of taxable menu items

– all returns of taxable menu items

+ all voids of returns of taxable menu items

+ all taxable Service Charges

– all voids of taxable Service Charges

– all discounts that have tax forgiven

+ all voids of discounts that have tax forgiven

For VAT and GST configurations, the taxable sales amount equals the Gross Sales after Discount amount minus the Non-Taxable Sales amount.

  • Taxes

Tax Exempt Sales

The total value of all menu item sales and service charges whose tax is exempted from sales tax for each tax rate.

Since items can have multiple tax rates assigned, the tax exempt sales value must not be summed across tax rates.

  • Taxes

Tax Forgiven Total

The total value of taxes that the enterprise is no longer obligated to pay (the tax is forgiven for the store), but the sales price stays the same (the check total that a guest has to pay is not reduced by this tax amount). This can happen if items are discounted or if an order type is used that is considered to forgive tax.

Applicable for Australian GST configurations.

Not shown on reports, but as part of Sales Net GST calculation.

Non-Taxable Sales

The value amount of sales of non-taxable items. It is the total value of sales of menu items not linked to a tax class or linked to inactive tax rates.

For VAT and GST configurations the system calculates the value by subtracting Taxable Sales from Gross Sales after Discount.

  • Taxes

Total Revenue

The Total Revenue value includes:

Net Sales or Sales Net VAT + Service Charges + Taxes

This does not include non-revenue service charges.

  • Daily Operations

  • System Financial

Gross Sales before Discount

Total amount of all sales activities before discounts are applied. It includes inclusive taxes. It does not include items that were voided or returned.

The Gross Sales before Discount total includes:

+ sum of all menu item entries

– all voids of menu item entries

– all returns of menu item entries

+ any voids of returns of menu item entries

The metric is applicable for VAT or Australian GST tax configurations (inclusive taxes).

  • Daily Operations

  • Sales Mix

  • Service Performance

  • Key Performance Indicator Comparison

Gross Sales after Discount

Total amount of all sales activities after discounts are applied. It includes inclusive taxes. It does not include items that were voided or returned.

Gross Sales after Discount is based on Gross Sales before Discount with the discounts applied.

The Gross Sales after Discount total includes:

+ sum of all menu item entries

– all voids of menu item entries

– all returns of menu item entries

+ any voids of returned menu item entries

– all discount entries

+ any voids of discount entries

The metric is applicable for VAT or Australian GST tax configurations (inclusive taxes).

  • Daily Operations

  • Sales Mix

  • Service Performance

  • Key Performance Indicator Comparison

Sales Net VAT

Total amount of all sales activities with discounts applied. It includes taxable and non-taxable menu item sales. It does not include taxable service charges, inclusive taxes, or items that were voided or returned.

Sales Net VAT is based on Gross Sales after Discount with all inclusive taxes removed.

The Sales Net VAT total includes:

+ sum of all menu item entries

– all voids of menu item entries

– all returns of menu item entries

+ any voids of returns of menu item entries

– all discount entries

+ any voids of discount entries

– inclusive tax of all menu item entries

+ inclusive tax of all voids of menu item entries

– inclusive tax of discount entries

+ inclusive tax of voids of discount entries

The metric is applicable for VAT or Australian GST tax configurations (inclusive taxes). For details about how to edit labels and to see label options for Australian GST tax configurations, see Editing Sales and Tax Labels.

  • Daily Operations

  • Sales Mix

  • Service Performance

  • Key Performance Indicator Comparison

Taxable Sales Net VAT

Total amount of all sales activities with discounts applied. The value does not include items that were voided or returned. In contrast to Sales Net VAT, Taxable Sales Net VAT does include taxable service charges and does not include non-taxable menu item sales.

The Taxable Sales Net VAT total includes:

+ sum of all taxable menu item entries

– all voids of taxable menu item entries

– all returns of taxable menu item entries

+ any voids of returned taxable menu item entries

+ sum of all taxable service charge entries

– all voids of taxable service charge entries

– all discount entries

+ any voids of discount entries

– inclusive tax of all taxable menu item entries

+ inclusive tax of all voids of taxable menu item entries

– inclusive tax of all taxable service charge entries

+ inclusive tax of all voids of taxable service charge entries

– inclusive tax of discount entries

+ inclusive tax of voids of discount entries

The metric is applicable for VAT or Australian GST tax configurations (inclusive taxes). For details about how to edit labels and to see label options for Australian GST tax configurations, see Editing Sales and Tax Labels.

  • Taxes

  • System Financial

All Sales Net VAT

Total amount of all sales activities with discounts applied. It does not include inclusive taxes. The value does not include items that were voided or returned. In contrast to Sales Net VAT, the value does include taxable service charges. Like Sales Net VAT, it does include taxable and non-taxable menu item sales.

The All Sales Net VAT total includes:

+ sum of all menu item entries

– all voids of menu item entries

– all returns of menu item entries

+ any voids of returns of menu item entries

+ sum of all taxable service charge entries

– all voids of taxable service charge entries

– all discount entries

+ any voids of discount entries

– inclusive tax of all menu item entries

+ inclusive tax of all voids of menu item entries

– inclusive tax of all taxable service charge entries

+ inclusive tax of all voids of taxable service charge entries

– inclusive tax of discount entries

+ inclusive tax of voids of discount entries

The metric is applicable for VAT or Australian GST tax configurations (inclusive taxes).

This label can be changed to display as "All Sales Net GST" or "All Sales Net Tax" in the enterprise options screen. See Editing Sales and Tax Labels for more information.

For VAT tax configurations All Sales Net VAT and Sales Net VAT are the same value.

  • Taxes

  • System Financial

  • Check Detail

Total Discounts

The sum of Item Discount and Subtotal Discount amounts. The amount is represented as a negative number.

The Total Discounts value includes:

+ sum of all Item Discounts entries

+ sum of all Subtotal Discount entries

Discount totals for US inclusive taxes do not include the discount taxes. The taxes of discounts are reflected in the tax collected amount.

For VAT and Australian GST configurations, discount total amount includes the discount taxes. The tax collected amount reflects the reduction of taxes due to the discounts.

  • Daily Operations

  • Discounts