Tips and Service Charge Metrics

Metric Name Description Example Reports with Metric

Gross Receipts

The monetary value of receipts recorded by tenders configured to post to this total. Gross Receipts include all sales that are tippable. The amount may or may not include taxes, depending on POS configuration.

The POS configuration can prevent certain non-tippable sales from posting to Gross Receipts. For example:
  • Sales in a retail revenue center are not tippable.

  • To-go order type sales may not be tippable.

  • Employee meals are not tippable.

  • Individual retail menu items are not tippable even when sold in the dining room.

On some reports this metrics is referred to as:
  • F&B Gross Receipts

  • Food and Beverage Gross Receipts

  • Employee Tip Report

  • Employee Exceptions

Charged Receipts

The value of receipts recorded by tenders configured to post to this total, such as credit cards or room charges.

Only tenders that include a non-zero charged tip are included in this total. The value does not include the tip amount.

To view this metric for Simphony locations, follow directions in Configuring Employee Shifts in the Simphony Configuration Guide and enable:
  • Option 49

  • Option 56 and 57

On some reports this metrics is referred to as:
  • Charged Sales

  • Employee Tip Report

  • Employee Exceptions

Service Charges

An amount that is added to the sales transaction for a service rendered. Service Charges are either a base amount (like a $5.00 cover charge) or as a percent (like a 15% room service charge). They may be taxed like a menu item. Service Charges may or may not be given to the employee. Typical Service Charges include:
  • Automatic gratuities

  • Room service charges

  • Entertainment cover charges

Service Charges can be configured in the POS system in three ways:
  • As a Charged Tip, by selecting the POS option Post to Charged Tip Total on Tip Report.

  • As a Service Charge that is paid to an employee, by selecting the POS option Post to Service Charges Total on Tip Reports.

  • As a Service Charge that is not paid to the employee, by deselecting Post to Charged Tip Total on Tip Report and Post to Service Charges Total on Tip Reports. For example, a $5,000.00 hotel ballroom rental, a $2.95 room service fee which goes to the house, or a $5.00 delivery charge.

Service Charge usage by report type:
  • Financial, Summary, and Enterprise level reports: Service Charge amounts include the total amount of all three service charge types.

  • Tip reports: only the amounts for Service Charges that are set to post to the Service Charge total on tip reports are shown. They are set to post if the Post to Charged Tip Total on Tip Report and Post to Service Charges Total on Tip Reports options are selected.

In the US, the tax authorities treat service charges differently than tips, therefore they are reported separately on the tip reports.

The difference between the two types of service charges that can appear on tip reports is that Service Charges are determined by the restaurant/hotel while Charged Tips are determined by the guest.

The Service Charge amount is the sum of all service charge entries plus the value of any automatic service charge (an automatic service charge is a percentage service charge which may be selectively or automatically applied to every check opened in a revenue center.)

The Service Charge calculation is:

+ sum of all Service Charge key entries

– all voids of Service Charge entries

+ sum of all Automatic Service Charges

To view this metric for Simphony locations, follow directions in Configuring Employee Shifts in the Simphony Configuration Guide and enable:
  • Option 49

  • Option 56 and 57

  • Daily Operations

  • System Financial

  • Employee Tip Report

Non-Revenue Service Charges

Records the payment of funds without posting the payment to sales totals. For example, it may be used to record the payment of a deposit (like a banquet deposit) that does not reflect actual sales.

  • Service Charges

Non-Revenue Totals

Records the payment of funds without posting the payment to sales totals. This includes sales of non-revenue service charges and non-revenue menu items. For example, it may be used to record a deposit, like a bank deposit, that does not reflect actual sales or the sale of a gift card or gift card reload.

  • Daily Operations

  • System Financial

  • Employee Financial

  • Non-Revenue

Direct Charged Tips

The value of tips posted to charge payments such as credit cards or room charges. Tenders can be programmed to automatically calculate any overtendered amount as a charged tip. Charged tips can also be entered through a direct access key. A charged tip is posted to the employee associated with the check.

To view this metric for Simphony locations, follow directions in Configuring Employee Shifts in the Simphony Configuration Guide and enable:
  • Option 49

  • Option 56 and 57

On some reports this metrics is referred to as:
  • Charged Tips

  • Daily Operations

  • Tips Topic Report

  • Employee Tip Report

  • Employee Exceptions

Direct Cash Tips

Cash tips that a customer directly gives to an employee, such as a waiter or bartender. Employees use the Direct Tips function to enter the amount of tips they received in cash, or can be prompted to declare direct tips when clocking out. This information is added to Tip Totals and in reports. It is used for income tax purposes.

To view this metric for Simphony locations, follow directions in Configuring Employee Shifts in the Simphony Configuration Guide and enable:
  • Option 49

  • Option 56 and 57

On some reports this metrics is referred to as:
  • Cash Tips Declared

  • Cash Tips

  • Tips Declared

  • Declared Tips

  • Daily Operations

  • Tips Topic Report

  • Employee Tip Report

  • Employee Exceptions

Indirect Tips

Cash tips that an employee (like a bus person) receives indirectly from servers or bartenders (as opposed to directly from the customer). Employees use the Indirect Tips function to enter the amount of tips they’ve received in cash. They can also be prompted to declare indirect tips when clocking out. This information is added to Tips Totals in reports and is used for income tax purposes.

To view this metric for Simphony locations, follow directions in Configuring Employee Shifts in the Simphony Configuration Guide and enable:
  • Option 49

  • Option 56 and 57

  • Daily Operations

  • Tips Topic Report

  • Employee Tip Report

  • Employee Exceptions

Total Tips

The total amount of charged tips, direct cash tips, and indirect tips.

The Total Tips calculation is:

Direct Charged Tips + Direct Cash Tips + Indirect Tips.

To view this metric for Simphony locations, follow directions in Configuring Employee Shifts in the Simphony Configuration Guide and enable:
  • Option 49

  • Option 56 and 57

  • Daily Operations

  • Tips Topic Report

  • Employee Tip Report

  • Employee Exceptions

  • Time Card Details

Tips Paid

The sum of all direct charged tips that are configured to add automatically to Tips Paid and/ or recorded manually through a Tips Paid key.

Tips Paid is a Pickup tender media type that is used to both:
  1. Record the payment of Charged Tips to an employee, and

  2. To record the removal of funds from a cash drawer or bank.

Tips paid can be posted in two different ways:
  • Charged Tips can be configured to automatically post to Tips Paid. This is used in self-banking environments so that employees can easily see how much cash they need to turn in with their charged tips already removed.

  • Manual Tips Paid is used in cashiering environments where a cashier puts in the amount of tips (from charged tips) that will be paid out to the server at the end of their shift.

To view this metric for Simphony locations, follow directions in Configuring Employee Shifts in the Simphony Configuration Guide and enable:
  • Option 49

  • Option 56 and 57

  • Daily Operations

  • Tips Topic Report

  • Employee Tip Report

Tip Percent

It is the average tip percent an employee receives and is based only on tippable sales (Gross Receipts).

The Tip Percent calculation is:

(Total Tips / Gross Receipts) × 100

  • Employee Tip Report