Employee Tender Totals

Summary report that shows tenders by employee and revenue center.


The Employee Tender Totals report is a summary report that consists of a table that shows tender amounts and count by employee and revenue center.

Permissions: Sales and Operations and Employee Performance.

Specialized parameters: Click Edit Parameters and then use the Advanced option for Other. You can select the Tender type and use the Group by field to change how the report groups data on the page. You can group data by:
  • Employee, Revenue Center, and Tender

  • Employee, Tender, and Revenue Center

  • Revenue Center, Employee, and Tender

Data Retention Category: Daily and Fixed Period Totals. See Data Retention Limits for more details.

Report Tags

Simphony, Simphony Essentials, Add On Tax, Inclusive Tax, Table Service, and Quick Service.

Tender Totals by Employee, Revenue Center, and Tender

Alternative titles: Tender Totals by Employee, Tender, and Revenue Center and Tender Totals by Revenue Center, Employee, and Tender.

Visualization: Table.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Table 2-125 Tender Totals by Employee, Revenue Center, and Tender

Metric Data Format Description



The top row of the table shows totals for each metric.



Name of employee, revenue center, and tender.

Tender Amount


Monetary amount of tender.

Percent of Total Tender Amount


Tender amount as a percent of total tender amount.

Tender Count


Number of tenders.

Percent of Total Tender Count


Tender count as a percent of total tender count.