Sales by Major Group Type (Add-On Tax)

Menu item sales and performance report that compares major group sales.


The Sales by Major Group Type report compares sales between major groups with selectable breakdowns by location, revenue center, business date, order type, or day part. This report is for restaurants with add-on taxes.

Visualization: Table with smart cells.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Data Retention Category: Daily and Fixed Period Totals. See Data Retention Limits for more details.

Specialized parameter: Click Edit Parameters and then use the Advanced option for Other. You can use the Group by field to change how the report groups data on the page. You can group data by:
  • Location, Business Date, Day Part, and Order Type

  • Business Date, Location, and Revenue Center

  • Location, Day Part, and Order Type

  • Location and Revenue Center

  • Revenue Center and Day Part

  • Day Part, Location, and Revenue Center

  • Order Type, Location, and Revenue Center

Report Tags

Simphony, RES 3700, Add On Tax, Table Service, and Quick Service.

Major Group Type <Display Metric> by <Group By Selection>

This report component table has two static cells and six smart cells. Click Manage Columns to select smart cells.

Table 6-49 Major Group Type <Display Metric> by <Group By Selection>

Metric Data Format Description

Total Row


The top row of the table shows totals for each metric.

Name (static cell)


Name of location, business date, day part, or order type.

All Types Total (static cell)


Monetary total of all types.

Other (smart cell)


Monetary amount of other goods sold.

Food (smart cell)


Monetary amount of food sold.

Beverage (smart cell)


Monetary amount of beverages sold.

Beer (smart cell)


Monetary amount of beer sold.

Liquor (smart cell)


Monetary amount of liquor sold.

Wine (smart cell)


Monetary amount of wine sold.

Entree (smart cell)


Monetary amount of entrees sold.

Retail (smart cell)


Monetary amount of retail sold.

Catering/Banquet (smart cell)


Monetary amount of catering/banquet food sold.

Room Service (smart cell)


Monetary amount of room service sold.

Open Category (smart cell)


Monetary amount of open major group category.

Report Notes

For sales to be distributed across types, those types must be assigned to each major group master.  New master items are assigned to type Other by default.