Sales Mix (Add-On Tax)

Menu item sales and performance report that shows sales data.


The Sales Mix report is a menu item sales and performance report that consists of bar charts and a table that show sales data. This report shows sales results by major group, family group, and menu item. You can use this report to see your top-selling items and to get an overall view of sales performance. This report is for restaurants with add-on taxes.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Data Retention Category: Daily and Fixed Period Totals. See Data Retention Limits for more details.

Report Tags

Simphony, RES 3700, e7, Add On Tax, Table Service, and Quick Service.

Total Sales Less Item Discounts by Major Group

Visualization: Bar chart.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Table 6-61 Total Sales Less Item Discounts by Major Group

Metrics Data Format Description

Total Sales Less Item Discounts


Amount of total sales minus all item discounts on the Y axis.

Major Group


Major group category on the X axis.

Average Price by Major Group

Visualization: Bar chart.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Table 6-62 Average Price by Major Group

Metrics Data Format Description

Average Sales Less Item Discounts


Amount of average sales minus all item discounts on the Y axis.

Major Group


Major group category on the X axis.

Top 20 Menu Items Sold

Visualization: Bar chart.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Click Run Top Menu Item Summary to drill down.

Table 6-63 Top 20 Menu Items Sold

Metrics Data Format Description

Sales Less Item Discounts


Amount of sales minus all item discounts on the Y axis.

Menu Item


Menu Item on the X axis.

All Items Average Sales


Single line noting the average net sales across the week.

Sales Summary by Major Group

Visualization: Table.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Table 6-64 Sales Summary by Major Group

Metrics Data Format Description

Total Row


The top row of the table shows totals for each metric.



Name of major group, family group, or menu item.

Menu item drills down to All Checks with a Menu Item.

Gross Sales Total


Amount of total gross sales.

Total drills down to Gross Sales.

Item Discount Total


Amount of total item discounts.

Total drills down to Discount.

Sales Less Item Discounts


Amount of sales minus item discounts.

Percent of Total Sales


Item or group percent of total sales.

Quantity Sold


Number of items sold.

Percent of Total Quantity Sold


Item or group percent of total quantity sold.

Percent of Major Group Sales


Family group or menu item percent of major group sales.

Percent of Family Group Sales


Menu item percent of family group sales.

Average Price


Average price.