Taxes (Add-On Tax)

Daily detail report that shows tax data.


The Taxes report is a daily detail report that consists of a multi-KPI tile and a table that show taxes collected, taxable sales, and other tax data. This report is for restaurants with add-on taxes. This report is not a standalone report, you must drill down into this report from one of these top-level reports: Daily Operations, Daily Operations Summary, or System Financial.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Data Retention Category: Daily and Fixed Period Totals. See Data Retention Limits for more details.

Report Tags

Simphony, RES 3700, e7, Add On Tax, Table Service, and Quick Service.

Daily Tax Totals

Visualization: Multi-KPI tile.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Table 3-61 Daily Tax Totals

Metric Data Format Description

Tax Collected


Total monetary amount of tax collected.

Net Sales


Total taxable sales.

Tax Collected for Filtered Day Parts or Order Types

Visualization: KPI tile.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

This KPI tile is only visible is the day part or order type parameters are not set to All.

Table 3-62 Tax Collected for Filtered Day Parts or Order Types

Metric Data Format Description



Monetary amount of tax collected.

Daily Taxes by Tax Type

Visualization: Table.

Permission: Sales and Operations.

Table 3-63 Daily Taxes by Tax Type

Metric Data Format Description

Total Row


The top row of the table shows totals for each metric.

Tax Name


Tax name.

Tax Collected


Monetary amount of tax collected.

Percent of Total Taxes


Individual tax as a percent of total taxes.

Taxable Sales


Monetary amount of taxable sales.

Taxable Sales Percent


Tax collected as a percent of total taxable sales.

Tax Exempt Sales


Monetary amount of tax exempt sales.

Report Notes

Daily Tax Totals and Daily Taxes by Tax Type do not get filtered by day part or order type.