Define Access to Reports and Data

Define the type of information a role can see within reports and block specific reports from view.

You must first grant the role system privileges to reports before assigning data permissions. See the “Define System-Level Privileges” section for more details.
  1. In Reporting and Analytics, click the side navigation menu, click Administration and then click Roles.
  2. Click the role you want to view.
  3. Click Reports and Data, click Manage Data Permissions, select the data permissions this role should have access to, and then click Save.
    Data permissions determine the information within a report that a role can view.
  4. Click Manage My Reports to select reports for the My Reports tab in the reports navigation area.
  5. Click Manage Blocked Reports and select any reports you want to block from view.
    Blocked reports will not be visible to this role, even when searching for reports in the library.