3 Install and Configure the Recipe

On your Oracle Integration instance, install the recipe package to deploy and configure the integrations and associated resources.

  1. On the Oracle Integration Home page, in the Pick a Recipe/Accelerator section, click View All.

  2. Find the recipe package that you want to install.

  3. Hover over the recipe, then click Install media/image1.png.

    A message confirms that the recipe was successfully installed, and the recipe card shows INSTALLED.

  4. Hover over the recipe again and click Configure media/image2.png to configure the resources of the recipe.

The Configuration Editor page opens, displaying all the resources of the recipe package. Configure the following resources before you activate and run the recipe.

Configure the Oracle REST OIC API Connection

  1. In the Configuration Editor, under Connections, hover over the connection, and then click Edit media/image3.png.

  2. In the Properties section, enter the following details:
    Field Information to Enter

    Connection Type

    Leave REST API Base URL selected.

    Connection URL

    Enter the host name of the Oracle Integration instance in which you’ve installed the recipe.

  3. In the Security section, enter the following details:
    Field Information to Enter

    Security Policy

    Select Basic Authentication.


    Enter the user name of the Oracle Integration user account with the Service Invoker role. See System and Access Requirements.


    Enter the password of the Oracle Integration user account with the Service Invoker role.

  4. Click Save. If prompted, click Save again.

  5. Click Test to test the connection. A confirmation message apperas if your test is successful.

  6. To return to the Configuration Editor, click Go back media/image4.png.

Configure the Oracle ERP Cloud Connection MICROS

  1. In the Configuration Editor, under Connections, hover over the connection, then click Edit media/image3.png.

  2. In the Properties section, enter the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM host name. For example: https://your_domain_name.fa.DC.oraclecloud.com.

  3. In the Security section, enter the following details:
    Field Information to Enter

    Security Policy

    Select Username Password Token.


    Enter the username of the account created for Oracle Integration on Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM. See Configure Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM.


    Enter the password of the account created for Oracle Integration on Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM.

  4. Click Save. If prompted, click Save again.

  5. Click Test to test the connection. A confirmation message appears if your test is successful.

  6. To return to the Configuration Editor, click Go back media/image4.png.

Configure the Oracle MICROS SOAP Master Data Connection

  1. In the Configuration Editor, under Connections, hover over the connection, then click Edit media/image3.png.

  2. In the Properties section, enter the following details:
    Field Information to Enter


    Enter the Oracle MICROS Inventory Management WSDL URL

    Please request the Inventory Management Master Data URL from your Oracle MICROS representative

  3. In the Security section, enter the following details:
    Field Information to Enter


    Select No Security Policy.


    MICROS Master Data SOAP API uses a custom authorization header for it’s request. This cannot be configured in the SOAP adapter connection in OIC. For the purpose of this sample implementation the SOAP request credentials (username/password/domain) are stored in the lookup table. (See “Oracle-BRT-Micros_MasterData” lookup in the configure-the-lookup-tables section.) The recipe consumer must store the credentials in a secure repository such as OCI Vault or ATP.
  4. Click Save. If prompted, click Save again.

  5. Click Test to test the connection. A confirmation message appears if your test is successful.

  6. To return to the Configuration Editor, click Go back media/image4.png.

Configure the Lookup Tables

In the Configuration Editor, click Lookups to view the lookup tables in the recipe. Hover over the lookup table to edit, then click Edit media/image3.png.

This recipe package contains the following lookup tables.


This lookup table contains the values of the Status field responses which needs to be passed to Oracle SCM to Oracle MICROS IM Master Data Sync integration. The following table provides the description for each parameter:

Name Description


This field indicates the item status field value of SCM. Indicates whether the item is active or inactive.

Do not modify this value unless SCM configuration is changed.


This field indicates the corresponding status value to be passed to Oracle MICROS Inventory Management Item creation request.

Do not modify this value unless MICROS Inventory Management configuration is changed.


This lookup table contains the information required to be sent as the SOAP header while making an API call to the Inventory Management web service. The following table provides the description for each parameter:

Name Description


This field contains the user name for authenticating against the Inventory Management web service.


This field contains the password for authenticating against the Inventory Management web service.


This field contains the enterprise short name (e.g ABC).


This lookup table contains the item mappings used in Oracle SCM to Oracle MICROS IM Item Sync integration.

Name Description


Indicates the category name for an item in SCM. This will then be used to determine the respective ItemGroupNumber to be send in the IM item creation request payload

Add all the categories configured in SCM that are used with IM.


Indicates the IM item group number mapping against the respective SCM category name

The IM API also offers a web service call to import item groups.


This field contains the Count Interval to be used for the item creation request payload to MICROS Inventory Management against a specific CategoryName.

Modify this value based on your requirement


D = Daily, requires an Inventory Template called “Daily” with 1 at the INVTEMPLATE.FKEY Database column

W = Weekly, requires an Inventory Template called “Weekly” with 2 at the INVTEMPLATE.FKEY Database column

M = Monthly, requires an Inventory Template called “Monthly” with 3 at the INVTEMPLATE.FKEY Database column

D = Yearly, requires an Inventory Template called “Yearly” with 4 at the INVTEMPLATE.FKEY Database column

OnDemand, requires an Inventory Template called “OnDemand” with 5 at the INVTEMPLATE.FKEY Database column

Never, must be defined as “Ignore Item in Inventory” at Master Data | Items


Indicates the Unit Of Measure (UOM) code for an item in SCM. This will then be used to determine the respective FnBBaseOrdqntyUnit to be send in the IM item creation request payload

Add all the UOM configured in the SCM which needs to be processed for items


Indicates the MICROS Inventory Management Unit Number against the respective SCM Unit Of Measure.

Add all the Unit Numbers configured in the MICROS which needs to be mapped against SCM for items.


The FnBBaseOrdqntyUnit relates to the ERPUOM column, but is independent from the Category Name/ItemGroupNumber/CountInterval (it is not related to it)

In case of Metric Units:
  • 1 indicates Kilogram

  • 2 indicates Liter

  • 3 indicates Each

In case of Imperial Units:
  • 1 indicates Pound

  • 2 indicates Pint

  • 3 indicates Each


This lookup table contains the information needed to trigger the error handlers. The following table provides the description for each parameter:

Name Description


The Oracle Integration Admin email address that must be notified on failures.


The ERP Admin email address that must be notified on failures.


The MICROS Admin email address that must be notified on failures.