Defend a Chargeback

Provide defense reason and documents to reject a chargeback.

Required system privilege: Defend Dispute.
If you disagree with a customer's request for a chargeback, you can defend the chargeback by providing documentation.


  • Once a document has been uploaded and saved, it can’t be removed.

  • You can only upload documents in English.

  • Make sure your documents adhere to these file size limits:
    • JPG: 10MB

    • TIFF: 10MB

    • PDF: 2MB

    • Mastercard Request for Information: 4 pages

    • Mastercard chargeback: 19 pages

    • Diners and Discover: 3MB

  1. In Payment Cloud Service, click the Disputes tab.
  2. Click the reference number for the chageback you want to reject.
  3. Select the Defense Reason and then upload required documents.

    The defense reason determines which documents are required or optional, so this differs depending on the reason selected. When you upload documents you can also add comments and dates for certain types of defense documents.

  4. Click Done.