Major Group Sales Report

The Major Group Sales Report prints a detailed summary of Major Group Gross Sales, Item Discounts (including Subtotal Discounts that are configured to act as Item Discounts), and Net Sales consolidated by Major Group. (In the Menu Item Maintenance module, each menu item must be assigned one Major Group and one Family Group.) The usefulness of this report depends on consistency and logic in configuring the Menu Item module and in defining Major and Family Groups. Major Groups are generally thought of as more general categories than Family Groups. For example, the Major Group, FOOD, includes the Family Groups APPETIZERS and SALADS, which are both subsets of the Major Group, FOOD.

The Major Group Sales Report provides summary information in a fixed format. This report provides four basic totals for each Major Group:
  • Sales Count (Sold)

  • Gross Sales

  • Item Discount

  • Net Sales

The end of the report provides a grand total section for all Major Groups.

Figure 9-14 Major Group Sales Report

This figure shows the Major Group Sales Report.