Menu Item Sales Summary Report

The Menu Item Sales Summary Report provides sales for each menu item. The report may also show each menu item total for the revenue center.

This report provides Sales Count (Sold), Gross Sales, Item Discounts, and Net Sales for each menu item definition/price. The end of the report provides a summary section for all menu items. Menu items can be shown in detail and summary format.

Detail vs. Summary Formats

The detail format generates a line entry for each menu item definition or price. Keep in mind that each menu item can have more than one definition, and each definition may have more than one price. For example, Sm Juice, Med Juice, and Lrg Juice may be separate definitions of Juice. You could also have a different price for each size juice. As you might imagine, the detail format can produce a very long report. If the summary format is used, menu item definition totals are combined into a single record.

Figure 9-15 Menu Item Sales Summary Report

This figure shows the Menu Item Sales Summary Report.