Return Item

A return may be required for various reasons, such as when the wrong item was ordered, the guest changed their mind, an item is cold rather than hot, an order is spilled or is out of stock. You can use the Return Item function to return a highlighted menu item.

This function takes the check into a Return mode, but only allows the return of one item; the Transaction Return function allows multiple returns until the Return mode is deselected.

  1. Pick up a check or begin a new check.
  2. For workstations and tablets, click Check Functions (TSR) or Transaction Functions (QSR/Bar). For mobile phones and handheld devices, click Functions.
  3. Click Return Item. A Return mode banner appears above the check detail.

    Figure 4-10 Return Banner on Workstations and Tablets

    This figure shows the Return banner in the check detail area that appears on the POS client for the workstation or tablet UI.

    Figure 4-11 Return Banner on Mobile Phones and Handheld Devices

    This figure shows the Return banner that appears on the POS client for the mobile phone and handheld device UI.
  4. The next menu item added to the check after this point is considered a return. The returned menu item shows a negative quantity in the check detail area. When you select an item, the Return mode is switched off.
  5. If configured, select the return reason.