Configuring Australian Goods and Services Tax (GST)

The Australian Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a Value Added Tax (VAT) on the supply of goods an services in Australia. It was introduced by the Australian Federal Government with the “A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999”, which took effect on July 1, 2000.

In Australia, restaurant businesses that registered for GST must include GST in the price charged for their goods and services. Restaurants may claim credits for the GST included in the price of goods and services they buy for their business. The goods and services sold in Australia are taxable, with the exception of goods and services deemed GST-free.

In restaurants, the tax percentage calculated on items is either 10% or 0% based on the category of the item, the order type, or both. The sum of all GST a customer pays always appears on the check, and the receipt indicates the amount that is GST.

Simphony integrates the Australian GST by:
  • Displaying the total GST tax for all items purchased, on the customer receipt

  • Marking all GST-free menu items with an asterisk

  • Printing a customer receipt that displays the total GST tax for all items, when a check exceeds the first configured threshold

  • Printing a customer receipt that displays the Customer Name or Australian Business Number (ABN) on the receipt (along with the total GST tax). when a check exceeds the second configured threshold

The topics in this chapter apply to Australian clients who use Reporting and Analytics version 9.1 and Reporting and Analytics version or later.