Reopening a Closed Check

After a check has been closed, you can reopen it within 14 days for use as a regular guest check. All menu items from the check are considered previous-round items. After reopening a closed check, you can void the following:
  • Menu Items

  • Discounts

  • Service Charges

You need to have the appropriate privileges to perform the reopening closed check and void operations.

  1. To reopen a closed check when you know the check number:
    1. Press the Reopen Closed Check function key.
    2. Enter the check number, and then press OK.
    3. Confirm the date and check total, and then press OK. The check is reopened.
  2. To reopen a closed check by selecting the check from a list of closed checks:
    1. Press the Reopen Closed Check from List function key.
    2. Select the check from the list, and then press OK.
    3. Confirm the date and check total, and then press OK. The check is reopened.