Givex Processor

The Generic Stored Value Card (SVC) Processor is an extension to the XProcessor Extension Application. It provides access to any gift card vendor that supports the Oracle MICROS SVC Host Message Specification. The processor communicates with a vendor host adapter, which then communicates with the vendor's host system using a vendor-specific protocol. Givex is currently the only vendor that uses this specification.

Figure 50-5 Generic SVC/Givex Processor Data Flow

This figure shows the data workflow from the workstation’s service host running POS Operations to the Givex host. A workstation operator presses a specific gift card operation button in POS Operations, and this triggers logic in the XProcessor Extension Application, which triggers the Generic SVC Processor logic, which then communicates with the Givex host.
Setting up the Givex Processor consists of downloading and installing a vendor host adapter/driver to a workstation, and adding or modifying records in the following EMC modules:
  • Content

  • Discounts

  • Page Design

  • Service Charges

  • Tender/Media

If you are an existing Givex customer, you can continue using your Givex Processor configuration, but you must be using the latest release package, which is Version