Add XProcessor Configuration File to the Content Module

The setup steps provided here also apply to remote EMC users. All required installation files are available in the EMCClient folder on the Simphony application server.

The setup steps outlined here are the same for each available XProcessor plug-in. To setup the Content module for the XProcessor framework:

  1. Access the EMC and select the Enterprise, click Setup, and then select Content.
  2. Insert a new record and double-click the new record to toggle to Form view.
  3. From the Name field, enter XProcessorConfiguration.


    When configuring all XProcessor files in the EMC, the naming conventions for the *.DLL and *.XML files must match the actual file name which is imported into the module, but is not to include the file’s extension, for example *.dll or *.xml.
  4. From the Content Type field, select 1 – Loose Xaml from the drop-down list.
  5. Click the Import from a file link.
  6. From the EMCClient folder, select the XProcessorConfiguration_initial.xml file.
  7. Depending on how many XProcessor plug-ins you plan to use, you can either leave unused plug-in(s) as they are (commented out), or remove the unused plug-in rows altogether.

    In this example, only the SVS XProcessor plug-in has been un-commented and is accessible for use by the system.

    Figure 50-3 Example: EMC Content Module - Un-Commented Out XProcessor Plug-In Row

    This figure shows the EMC Content module and the imported XProcessor configuration *.XML.

    In this example, the MSVC-Givex – SVC Generic and ValueLink XProcessor plug-in rows have been removed altogether.

    Figure 50-4 Example: EMC Content Module - Removed Unused XProcessor Plug-Ins Rows

    This figure shows the EMC Content module and the imported XProcessor configuration *.XML.
  8. Click Save.