Suppressing Condiment Groups on a Condiment Orderer Page

There are times when you do not want to show a condiment group on the Condiment Orderer page because there are no valid condiments in the group of the current ordering context. You can specify one or more condiment groups to suppress from view.

You can assign condiment menu item classes to condiment groups in the Menu Item Classes module.


The Condiment Orderer hides selected condiment groups regardless of whether they are required or allowed. Hiding required condiment groups could lead to ordering issues on the POS workstation.

Figure 32-1 Menu Item Classes - Condiment Groups Column

This figure shows the Menu Item Classes module’s Condiment Groups tab.
  1. Select the Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone, click Configuration, and then click Page Design.
  2. Insert a new page record or select an existing page, and then select Condiment/Combo Orderer.

    Figure 32-2 Page Design - Condiment/Combo Orderer

    This figure shows the Page Design module’s Condiment/Combo Orderer section where condiment groups can be selected to be hidden from view.
  3. Click the Select Condiment Groups link, select the condiment groups to hide, and then click Set.
  4. Click Save.

    Once condiment groups have been selected to be hidden, the object numbers of the condiment groups show within the Condiment groups to hide: field (comma separated). Users cannot manually edit this field.