1 Features and Updates

This page describes new features and updates in 19.4 and patches to 19.4.

Sections that describe features and updates in a patch also have links to Knowledge Articles that describe documentation updates and issues fixed in the patch.

See Oracle MICROS Simphony Transaction Services Gen 2 (STSG2) Fixed Issues (DOC3542) for information on Simphony STSG2 fixed issues.



This section describes new features and updates in the patch.

Oracle MICROS Simphony 19.4 Documentation Updates (DOC3475) describes documentation updates to support the patch.

Oracle MICROS Simphony 19.4.x Fixed Issues (DOC3476) lists issues fixed in the patch.

Enterprise Management Console (EMC)

Support to Upload Egateway and SPI Log Files

You can allow Oracle Customer Support staff to access the Egateway and Simphony Payment Interface (SPI) logs from POS client devices operating in a specific locations (for example, restaurant, stadium, or airport). POS Operations automatically uploads these log files, and Support staff can access and use them to troubleshoot payment issues, decreasing time spent resolving issues. All workstations at a location that are running POS Operations upload the log files to the cloud, except for KDS Displays.

See Enabling Upload of Egateway and SPI Logs in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for more information.

Operations on the POS Workstation

Support to Change Non-Placeholder Combo Meal Side Items Ordered in Previous Rounds

Starting with Simphony release 19.4.2, an employee Roles option has been added to control a user’s ability to change non-placeholder side items which were added during a previous round for combo meal orders.

Enabling the new Roles option 310 - Authorize/Perform changes to non-placeholder side items ordered in previous rounds allows workstation operators to change non-placeholder side items for combo meal orders in previous rounds. When this option is disabled, operators are prompted to have a privileged employee enter their ID in order to continue changing previous round non-placeholder combo meal side items.

See Configuring Additional Combo Meal Settings in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for more information.

Support to Configure and Report Non-Revenue Menu Items

Starting with Simphony release 19.4.2, non-revenue menu items on guest checks do not add to the net sales total amounts on financial reports. A typical use case for non-revenue menu items is to use them to enter the value of a gift card reload amount. Workstation operators can add the item to a check and then tender the transaction, causing the item's value to be added to a gift card. This value does not increment the system’s revenue because no physical product has been sold.

The following restrictions are enforced on checks, including non-revenue menu items on the point-of-sales (POS) system (and including Transaction Services Gen1):
  • Taxes and discounts are not applied to non-revenue menu items (even if they are configured in the EMC).

  • Non-revenue menu items cannot be included as a part of combo meals. If a combo meal is added containing non-revenue menu items, the POS generates an error message.

  • Non-revenue menu items can only be configured as condiments for non-revenue parent menu items. Non-revenue menu items cannot be configured as condiments (or combo meal sides) for conventional priced parent menu items, and vice versa. Incorrect configurations generate an error message.

  • For all workstation financial reports, the previously existing line Non Rev Svc has been changed to Non Rev Total. Non-revenue menu item sales are now posted on the Non Rev Total line on reports.


The existing Menu Item Sales and Menu Item Summary reports do not post non-revenue menu item sales totals. Two new workstation reports have been added to track such totals:
  • Non Revenue Menu Item Sales

  • Non Revenue Menu Item Summary

See Configuring Master Records for Menu Items in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for more information.

See List of Workstation PMC Reports in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for more information about the non-revenue menu item reports.

Support for Third Party Payment Service Providers to Distribute Simphony Software to Android Devices

Starting with Simphony release 19.4.2, you can use a third party Payment Service Provider (PSP) and its proprietary external Mobile Device Management (MDM) platform to distribute the Simphony software to Android devices. To accomplish this, an option has been added to the EMC in the Workstations module named 68 - Third Party Managed Device. Enabling this option allows a third party PSP to ensure the device’s CAPS and Service Host versions are compatible and in sync. When the option is enabled, if the device’s CAPS version does not match the Service Host version, the customer is prompted to upgrade the Simphony application version on the device.

Option 68 is only available for use with the following POS workstation types:
  • 1 - Mobile

  • 2 - Workstation Client

  • 6 - Tablet Client

See Enabling a Third Party Mobile Device Management (MDM) for Simphony POS Client Distribution in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for more information.

Android Devices Show the Oracle End User License Agreement When the Device is First Started

Starting with Simphony release 19.4.2, Android point-of-sale (POS) clients now show the Oracle End User License Agreement (EULA) when the Service Host on the device is first started. Upon startup, users are prompted to either accept or decline the license agreement. Here are the potential results based on a user’s selection for new installations:
  • If users accept the EULA terms (by clicking the Accept button), the Simphony application proceeds to start.

  • If users reject the EULA terms (by clicking the Decline button), the Simphony application closes.

For upgrades:
  • If the EULA was previously accepted, the EULA is not shown on the device again.

  • If the EULA was not previously accepted, the EULA is shown and users must accept the terms before they can begin using the POS client.


This section describes new features and updates in the patch.

Oracle MICROS Simphony 19.4 Documentation Updates (DOC3475) describes documentation updates to support the patch.

Oracle MICROS Simphony 19.4.x Fixed Issues (DOC3476) lists issues fixed in the patch.

Operations on the POS Workstation

Support to Allow Cash Drawer Use When Voiding a Tender on a Closed Check

Starting with Simphony release 19.4.1, you can configure the cash drawer to open when there is a tender on a closed check and a workstation operator performs a Void Closed Check or Void Closed Check From List function. For example, if a cash tender is configured to open the cash drawer, the cash drawer opens when a workstation operator voids a check which was closed to cash.

The new option 74 - Allow open of Cash Drawer when voiding a tender on a closed check in the Control Parameters module affects the cash drawer behavior.

See the following topics in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for setup information:
  • Configuring the Cash Tender

  • Configuring Closed Check Settings

  • Configuring a Cash Drawer

See Voiding a Closed Check in the Oracle MICROS Simphony POS User Guide for more information.

Support for Suppressing Condiment Groups on a Condiment Orderer Page

Starting with Simphony release 19.4.1, to reduce order entry steps at the POS workstation, there are times when users do not want to show a condiment group on the Condiment Orderer page because there are no condiments in the group which are valid in the current ordering context. See the following examples:
  • When ordering a beverage for a delivery order, it is necessary to enter the soda flavor (such as Cola, Orange, or Tea) so it can be delivered. However, when ordering a beverage to be consumed on premises, the choice is not necessary because some locations have guests dispense their own drink at a soda fountain.

  • Condiment prefixes are not usually ordered on their own and typically display on fixed touchscreen buttons outside of the Condiment Orderer. The condiment group to which they belong (which normally only contains the prefixes) does not need to display for workstation operators.

You can configure the hidden condiment groups in the Page Design module, and specify one or more condiment groups to be suppressed from view on a Condiment Orderer page.

See Suppressing Condiment Groups on a Condiment Orderer Page in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for more information.

Support for Optional Name Entry in OPERA Self Pay

Starting with Simphony release 19.4.1, OPERA Self Pay supports the option for guests to validate a payment by entering only a room number during lookup, instead of using their last name and room number.

You can enable this option when configuring the OPERA Self Pay button in the Page Design module by entering NoGuestName in the text field.

See Configuring the OPERA Self Pay Button in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for more information.


This section describes the features and updates contained in the release.

Client Application Loader (CAL)

Updated Support for Custom CAL Package Installations

Starting with Simphony release 19.4, SimphonyInstall.xml files uploaded in custom CAL packages require unique filenames that do not use Simphony in the file naming conventions (such as “SimphonyInstall”). Examples of custom file names that are appropriate include Environment_CustomInstall.xml or Server_CustomInstall.xml.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Client Deployment Guide for more information.

Restyled CAL Installation Pages for Android POS Clients

The Simphony Android POS Client installation pages have been redesigned, making the process more efficient. The restyled CAL installation pages include:
  • Lookups for URL domains to save time when entering lengthy details

  • Buttons that become active when the data has been validated

  • Error messages that inform the user of the issue and how to resolve it

  • Easy to follow flow with the ability to return to previous pages

See Installing the Android Service Host in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for more information.


The Cloud Services Post-Installation or Upgrade Guide has been replaced by the Location Upgrade Guide

The Cloud Services Post-Installation or Upgrade Guide has been replaced by the Location Upgrade Guide. This new guide is for Simphony Cloud Services users and provides post-upgrade steps to perform at your location after an upgrade to your enterprise application server to the latest version of Simphony software.

Enterprise Management Console (EMC)

Removed Refresh Definitions Button from Simphony Standard Cloud Service

Simphony Standard Cloud Service users no longer have access to refresh definitions in Reporting and Analytics for properties from the EMC. The Refresh Definitions button has been removed from the EMC, property level, Setup tab, Property Parameters, Reporting and Analytics tab.

Changes to Property and Revenue Center Address Handling

To enhance the implementation of the Payment Cloud Service, the EMC has been updated to include a list of countries and their corresponding states or regions. This allows you to enter the complete addresses for locations using the Country and State/Region fields which have been added to the Enterprise level, Setup tab, Properties module as well as the property level, RVC Configuration module.

Users may no longer enter location information from Enterprise Back Office (EBO) Reporting and Analytics (R&A) release 20.1.10. Rather, this information can only be entered from the Simphony EMC. Thereafter, all location information entered in the EMC is written to the R&A database through Simphony Data Transfer Service (DTS) jobs. Location information and address details contained in R&A is Read-Only.

For users who previously entered text in the Country and State/Region fields in the Property and RVC Configuration modules prior to performing an upgrade to this release, Oracle MICROS Food and Beverage recommends (after upgrading) to access each property and revenue center individually and update these fields using the drop-down lists now provided there. In an effort to make it easier for users to view the prior text entries for these fields, the old text is shown in red font in the Country and State/Region fields. Once completed, DTS jobs update the R&A database with the new settings.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide, specifically Adding a Property, and Adding a Revenue Center for more information.

Support to Schedule the Reload Check and Posting Database Function

A new Tasks module has been added to the EMC at the property level that allows you to schedule a full reload of the Check and Posting (CAPS) database for a property. Data in the CAPS workstation database will be deleted and replaced with new data when the reload is run, so access to this option must be restricted to support users only. The reload can be scheduled to run once during the next restart. This is a safe time to perform a restart without affecting POS operations when the database content is being removed and replaced. The new reload function is an emergency tool used to recover from data issues such as:
  • CAPS being offline when database synchronization changes have been purged

  • When a reload cannot be run from the front end (such as for CAPS running as a Service on a client)

  • When the Enterprise Egateway and CAPS are not on the same LAN or VPN

After clicking the Reload Check and Posting Database button and confirming, the Reload Database dialog shows the status as Pending or Idle, which indicates the status of the reload database task. The default value is Idle (not scheduled). To cancel a pending operation, click the button again and confirm the cancellation.

The Reload Check and Posting Database function is performed once on the next restart of CAPS. This task is not repeated during each startup.

The SERVICE table for Check and Posting service records includes a new column called IsPendingDbReload.
  • When the Reload Check and Posting Database status is Pending the Type value is 1.

  • When the Reload Check and Posting Database status is Idle, the Type value is 0.

A new Egateway message type request (MSG_CHECK_TO_DO_RELOAD_DATABASE_REQ ) is sent from the client to the Enterprise as part of startup to check whether a full database reload is required. If the IsPendingDbReload column value is 1, an instruction to reload the database (MSG_CHECK_TO_DO_RELOAD_DATABASE_REQ ) on the next restart is sent and the details are logged. After sending the response, the handler resets the IsPendingDbReload column to 0 for the given service. This ensures that the reload only happens once and not on every startup.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide, specifically Scheduling a Reload Check and Posting Database for more information.

Gift and Loyalty and Stored Value Cards (SVC)

Support to Allow Gift and Loyalty Redemption for Zero-Value Checks

Gift and loyalty awards may be issued by visit, regardless of the value of a check. A guest can use a non-stored value payment to pay the check, or a check may be discounted 100%, but the transaction is still associated with the guest’s account and the program associated with it.

Simphony now allows a zero-value check to be charged to Gift and Loyalty using the authorization/redemption function on POS devices that use the iCare driver. These zero-value transactions are tracked in Gift and Loyalty against the stored value account and are included in reports.

To enable this feature, you must set the iCare Driver Properties function Allow Zero Value to True for Stored Value Drivers in EMC. If this function is set to False, the transaction will be rejected with an error message.

See Configuring the Stored Value Driver in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for more information on enabling this function.

See Redeeming Gift Cards in the Oracle MICROS Simphony POS User Guide for more information on how to redeem gift cards.

Kitchen Display System (KDS)

Support to Display Checks on KDS Displays

A new Display Check function is available that can be added to KDS Bump Bars or KDS Tool Bars. This allows staff to view orders and ask guests questions to further clarify their order. When configured, KDS displays can show guest checks or customer receipts (including any Guest Check Info Lines). If necessary, when checks are shown on KDS displays, navigational keys are provided for staff to scroll through larger checks.


Some formatting details for printed checks (Bold/Red, Double-wide, or Centering) are not preserved for the Display Check function when viewing checks on KDS displays.

See Configuring Showing Checks on KDS Displays in the Oracle MICROS Simphony KDS Configuration and User Guide for more information.

Support to Handle Orders Using Production Lanes

KDS now supports two production lanes. When production lanes are in use, orders are fired to both lanes simultaneously. A user working on one lane must claim an order to work on it. Once an order is claimed, it is not visible in the other order lane. A new field named Lane has been added to the Order Devices module on the KDS tab to designate an order device as one of two configurable lanes (1 or 2).

After lanes are assigned to KDS order devices and associated with each other, you can use new KDS Toolbar and KDS Bump Bar functions named Lane Claim and Lane Push to claim an order on your lane or to push it to the other lane.

The Order Devices module KDS tab now has an Associations section where you configure each lane’s counterpart order device. For example, order device Hot Prep Lane #1 would have order device Hot Prep Lane #2 selected as its associated device. Order device Associations are used along with the Lane value settings, so each associated device must have a different lane value assigned to it. When an order device has a lane value and an associated order device, orders are displayed to both order devices with a Lane Claim Required banner. Kitchen staff are required to claim orders using the Lane Claim function before performing any other action.

Here is how these functions work:
  • Lane Claim: Takes ownership of the order by removing the Lane Claim Required banner from the order on the current lane, and then removing the order from the opposite lane. The Lane Claim function can switch the function back to the original unclaimed state (as long as nothing on the order has been bumped yet) when it is selected again from the toolbar.

  • Lane Push: Pushes (sends) all claimed suborders of an order from the current lane to the opposite lane.

Production Lanes can be configured and implemented to work as a separate feature (by assigning a lane to KDS order devices), or can work in tandem using Workflow value settings defined for each KDS order device to determine where an order shows first, and when bumped or done from that display, where it shows next and so on, from highest to lowest values.

Production lanes can be configured as part of kitchen themes; allowing for a kitchen environment to switch between using lanes or not using Lanes at all.

See the following topics in the Oracle MICROS Simphony KDS Configuration and User Guide for more information:
  • Configuring Production Lanes

  • Handling Orders Using Production Lanes and Workflow

  • Kitchen Themes

Support to Handle Orders Using Workflow

Workflow establishes an assembly line approach where an order advances from one order device to the next as the menu item is assembled. A field named Workflow has been added to the Order Devices module on the KDS tab. The KDS Workflow value is used to determine where an order shows first, and when bumped or done from that display, where it shows next, and so on. A zero value setting causes the order to always appear unless the order is required to be claimed, and then it appears only after it is claimed on another order device which has a higher workflow value assigned. If two order devices have the same workflow value settings, they show the orders at the same time. If order device A has a higher workflow value than order device B, orders appear on order device A until bump/done from order device A, at which time it appears on order device B.

Workflow can be configured and implemented to work as a separate feature (by using Workflow value settings to determine the sequencing of where orders show first, and then where they show next based on their settings (from highest to lowest values), or in tandem using Production Lanes (by assigning a lane to KDS order devices).

The Workflow feature can be used with kitchen themes.

See the following topics in the Oracle MICROS Simphony KDS Configuration and User Guide for more information:
  • Configuring Workflow

  • Handling Orders Using Production Lanes and Workflow

  • Kitchen Themes

Support for Pre-Production Items on KDS Displays

The KDS supports the display and handling of pre-production items, allowing orders to be prepared in a more timely manner. Pre-production features streamline kitchen production by having some prep work done in advance for specific menu items. This also can help break down the preparation of a complex item into more distinct steps.

You can specify the menu items to be displayed as pre-production items, and chefs can see these pre-production items on KDS displays separately from the fired items. You can also add the item’s pre-production time to the prep time.

See the following topics in the Oracle MICROS Simphony KDS Configuration and User Guide for more information:
  • Pre-production Items for KDS

  • Creating Menu Item Components

Support for Changing Languages on KDS Displays

A new Language function is available on the KDS Bump Bar and Toolbar, allowing users to switch between up to four languages (1–4) on KDS displays. In earlier Simphony versions, only one primary language was available on KDS displays.

The EMC configuration has changed from assigning a language in the KDS Controller and Order Device modules to solely the KDS Display module. The KDS Controller module’s Display Language field has been deprecated with this release. Additionally, the Order Device module’s Language fields, now only affect printers, and are no longer associated with KDS order devices.


When performing an upgrade to this release, the KDS Display module’s Default Language field is automatically assigned the first language configured in the Property Parameters module’s Language 1 field.
See the following topics in the Oracle MICROS Simphony KDS Configuration and User Guide for more information:
  • Configuring a KDS Display

  • KDS Bump Bar and Toolbar Functions

Operations on the POS Workstation

Support for QR Code Payments

Restaurant guests can pay a check by scanning a QR code on the guest check using their mobile device. After the guest scans the code, the mobile device browser opens, and the guest can enter their payment information.

Prerequisites to accept payments through QR codes include:
  • Simphony version 19.4.

  • Reporting and Analytics version 20.1.10 with supporting payment APIs.

  • Payment Cloud Service (includes merchant account and API details).

  • Simphony Transaction Services (STS) Gen 2 enabled for the Enterprise.

  • QR code payment URLs set up for the Enterprise.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide and the Oracle MICROS Simphony POS User Guide for more information.

Support for Guest Pay

Simphony supports the Guest Pay (Pay at Table) feature for the Adyen Castles S1F2 Android payment device. Guest Pay allows guests to review their check, add a tip amount or percentage, apply a credit card tender, and email or print the receipt using the Android payment device. Using this feature, guests can pay their check in full, partially pay their check, or use the equal card payment function to pay their check in equal parts. Guest Pay requires the Simphony Payment Interface (SPI).

See Configuring Guest Pay in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for more information.

Support to Display OPERA Guest Package Information

Workstation operators can now view all packages that a hotel guest is eligible for, via a query in the workstation that pulls the relevant information from the OPERA Cloud Rest API. The information displayed on the workstation includes the package code, package description, calculation rule, remaining allowance amount, posting rhythm, and package consumption. Additionally, if more than one package exists on a guest’s reservation, the information for each package is displayed.

See Configuring the Display of OPERA Guest Package Information in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide, and the OPERA Guest Packages chapter in the Oracle MICROS Simphony POS User Guide for more information.

SPI Support for Unused Credit Card Authorization Release Alert

You can add a warning message to alert a workstation operator that unused credit card authorizations are about to be released when finalizing a guest check using a non-credit card tender (for example, cash or gift card). The operator can then cancel the payment or proceed and release the card authorizations. Room charges and partial payments do not trigger the alert nor release unused authorizations. Credit card payments do not trigger the alert message.

To configure the alert, the new option 73 - Enable unused Credit Card authorization release alert is available in the Control Parameters module. See Enabling the Unused Credit Card Authorization Release Alert in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for more information.

Enhancement to Start of Day

You can define the Start of Day (SOD) to set the business date to the current date if the SOD is configured to run automatically after 12:00 noon and before 12:00 midnight. If this option is not enabled, legacy SOD behavior remains unchanged.

See Resetting Daily Totals in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for more information.

Support to Transfer POS Client Logs From Android Device to CAPS

Administrators and managers can enable the automatic transfer of logs from Android devices to the main workstation (known as the Check and Posting Server or CAPS) for support purposes. The frequency of the transfer can be set from 30 minutes up to every 8 hours.

This functionality allows POS client log files to be retained on the CAPS machine for a longer time period than they are available on the Android device. The Oracle Simphony Support team can view these logs on the CAPS workstation to troubleshoot issues.

See Transferring Log Files from an Android Device to CAPS in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Manager User Guide, and Viewing Android POS Client Logs on the CAPS Machine in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for more information.

POS Workstations

Support Added for Castles S1F2 Payment Devices

The Castles S1F2 device is an Android payment and workstation device which runs the Simphony POS Android Package (APK) and uses local payment hardware to process payments via the Payment Cloud Service. To utilize Castles devices, you must be running Reporting and Analytics release 20.1.10 or later. These devices can be added in the EMC and configured as workstations. If a unit malfunctions, Castles devices can be swapped with spare units with a few configuration steps. A compatible printer named Castles Tech S1F2 Printer is available for this device and is configured in the EMC Printers module.

See Adding a Workstation and Replacing, Deleting, or Upgrading Castles S1F2 Devices in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for more information.

Rear Marketing Display (RMD)

Support for Rolled-Up Combo Meal Prices

Support is added for the Rear Marketing Display (RMD) extension application to show the side item price on the RMD as it appears in Simphony, when Combo Meal option 4 - Add side prices to meal price is enabled in the EMC.

See Configuring a Rear Marketing Display (RMD) and Creating Combo Meals in the Oracle MICROS Configuration Guide for more information.

Simphony Transaction Services (STS) Generation 2

STS Gen 2 Supports Associating Images with Menu Item Screen Lookups (SLUs)

For sites running the STS Gen2 API, privileged employees can now upload a maximum of four images in the EMC for each menu item SLU so they can be shown on POS devices.

See Associating Images to Menu Item SLUs in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for more information.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Transaction Services Generation 2 API Reference Guide for more information on service endpoints, authentication, and authorization for STS Gen 2.

Workstation Reports

Support for Printing Report Headers and Trailers on Ad-Hoc and Custom Workstation Reports

You can configure the printing of report header and trailers for workstation ad-hoc or custom reports containing site specific information. Audit procedures in certain countries require that reports have specific information. This information can be defined in report headers and trailers. Printing information, such as the site’s business address or tax identifier, on report headers (or trailers) helps identify the source (or location name) of the data to which the report pertains.

This is a separate configuration from the existing Guest Check and Customer Receipt header and trailer printing feature.

See Configuring Headers and Trailers for Printed Workstation Ad-hoc and Custom Reports in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for more information.

Tax Related Fields Removed from Employee Financial VAT Workstation Report

Tax information by employee is not needed on Workstation Employee Financial Reports as you can review tax totals from several other Property and Revenue Center Financial Reports. The following tax-related fields have been removed from the Employee Financial VAT Workstation Report:
  • Taxable Sales

  • Tax Collected

  • Sales Net VAT