Configuring the Texas Digital OCB Settings

Starting with Simphony 19.6, the extension application function TxDigitalOcbApp.dll is part of the core software product and is deployed via the Client Application Loader (CAL). Upgrading to Simphony 19.1 or later changes the content Version (shown in the Extension Application module, Designer: Settings tab) from DLL to (any)-19.1. For backward compatibility, no new changes are required in EMC. However, for new Simphony 19.6 installations, only the Settings content is required (the App content is not required).

The following sample shows the initial OCB display settings, which you can modify as needed. The tables that follow the code sample describe the values in the code.


Click Copy to copy the code to your clipboard and then paste it into a text editor such as Notepad++. Change the values for your restaurant’s OCB operations, and then copy your code into TxDigitalOcbAppSettings.txt as described in Adding the Texas Digital OCB Extension Application.
{ ;  OCB Displays         

  DisplayA.Name=Drive Thru Display

  ; POS OCB Options

  ; Workstation OCB Options

Table 6-11 Main Setting

Name Default Value Description



A comma-separated list of identifiers, one for each physical display. Each identifier is used as part of the configuration and cannot contain an equal sign (=). The identifier is not displayed to the user.


In each of the following OCB display settings, replace <display-id> with the display identifier created above (for example, DisplayA). Create a Name, Protocol, Address, and Port settings for each display.

Table 6-12 OCB Display Settings

Name Default Value Description



The name of the display shown to the user. This can be more descriptive than the Display Identifier.



The name and version of protocol used by the display.



The TCP address of the display.



The TCP port of the display,

The following options control the general OCB behavior.

Table 6-13 General OCB Behavior

Name Default Value Description



Comma-separated list of order type numbers. Information is only sent to the OCB display for an order started/changed to one of the listed order types.




The order in which the application looks at menu item Name 1, Name 2, and Name 3 to determine which text is sent to OCB for the menu item. The same setting is used for both menu items and condiments.




Flag used to control how item discounts are displayed. Set to true to display item discounts as modifiers (indented under parent item); set to false to display item discounts as discounts at the end of the transaction.



Flag used to control how quantity is displayed for discount lines. Set to true to hide quantity for discount items; set to false to display quantity of discount.



Comma-separated list of major group numbers. If menu item is in one of the listed major groups, modifier quantity is displayed when quantity value is 1.

The following options are for OCB behavior on each workstation, where <ObjNum> is the object number of the workstation.

Table 6-14 Workstation OCB Behavior

Name Default Value Description



The display-id of the OCB to which the workstation sends orders. Leave this value blank to compel the user to activate an OCB device.



If an order is started or changed to an order-type in the OcbEnabledOnOrderTypes list, and there is no default OCB display and no active OCB display, then prompt the user to claim an OCB display. This option is used to ensure that information is sent to the OCB display.



Set to true to release OCB display at the end of an order. Use this option on workstations when you want the user to make a conscious choice about which OCB display received the order information.



Set to true to enable OCB display on pickup check.



Set to true so that when an OCB display is selected using the Activate Display operation, the selection is retained for subsequent transactions even if ReleaseOcbAtEndOfOrder is enabled.

This allows users to switch from a mode where the OCB display is selected at the start of every transaction to a mode where the OCB display selection is retained.

The Deactivate Display operation clears the sticky selection and reverts to "Prompt on every transaction" (if configured).

The following options are for OCB behavior on each workstation and order type, where <ObjNum> is the object number of the workstation and <Num> is the order type number. If a setting is present, it overrides the corresponding Workstation OCB Behavior setting.

Table 6-15 Workstation OCB Behavior by Order Type

Name Type Description



The display-id of the OCB to which the workstation sends orders. Leave this value blank to compel the user to activate an OCB device.



If order is started/changed to an order-type in the OcbEnabledOnOrderTypes list, and there is no default OCB display and no active OCB display, then prompt the user to claim an OCB display. This option is used to ensure that information is sent to the OCB display.



Set to true to release OCB display at the end of an order. Use this option on workstations when you want the user to make a conscious choice about which OCB display received the order information.



Set to true so that when an OCB display is selected using the Activate Display operation, the selection is retained for subsequent transactions even if ReleaseOcbAtEndOfOrder is enabled.

This allows users to switch from a mode where the OCB display is selected at the start of every transaction to a mode where the OCB display selection is retained.

The Deactivate Display operation clears the sticky selection and reverts to "Prompt on every transaction" (if configured).