Set Menu Item Prices

A menu item price is the amount charged for the sale of a menu item. Typically a menu item only has one price. However, in some cases an item has multiple prices. For example, a soda could have separate prices for a small, medium, and large size.

  1. Click the menu item.
  2. To change the price:
    1. Click Prices, click the Actions icon (), and then select Edit Price.

      Figure 3-12 Prices Tab

      This figure shows the Prices tab, with the Actions icon and Edit Price shown.
    2. On the Details tab, enter the Menu Item Price.

      Figure 3-13 Price Details

      This figure shows the Price Details, where you can change the Menu Item Price, Active on Level, and Effectivity Group.
    3. To change the main or sub menu level, select the new menu level in the Active on Level drop-down list.

      See the Menu Levels chapter in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for more information.

    4. To change the effectivity group for a menu item promotion, select the Effectivity Group in the drop-down list.

      Effectivity Groups are used to schedule when menu items or their prices are available. They are typically used in conjunction with upcoming holidays, special events, or promotions. For example, you can set menu item prices for a promotion that only runs on New Year’s Day.

    5. To change the tax class, click the Taxes tab, and then select the Tax Class Override in the drop-down list.

      Figure 3-14 Price Taxes

      This figure shows the Price Taxes, where you can change the Tax Class Override.

      See the Tax Rates and Tax Classes chapter in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for more information.

    6. Enable the appropriate condiment options:
      • Menu item tax class override takes precedence over condiment parent tax class

      • Exclude condiment parent item from menu item tax class override count

    7. Click Apply.
  3. To add an Effectivity Price record:
    1. On the Prices tab, click the Actions icon (), and then select Add Effectivity Price.
    2. Select the Effectivity Group.

      Figure 3-15 Add Effectivity Price

      This figure shows the Price Effectivity Group.
    3. Click Update.
  4. To delete a price record, click the Actions icon (), and then select Delete. Confirm by clicking Delete again.