EMC Basics

This section describes the basic functions in the Enterprise Management Console (EMC), which is the configuration tool used for Simphony.

EMC Configuration Hierarchy

The EMC has three areas that allow you to choose where to define certain definitions and records in the EMC’s hierarchy tree. In EMC, modules are configured (in order from highest to lowest) on the enterprise, property, or revenue center levels.

An employee’s assigned role determines whether users have full or partial access to specific modules on certain levels.

EMC Home Page

When you log in, EMC defaults to the Home Page. The Home Page shows a navigation tree in the Locations pane based on the EMC levels. Modules appear to the right of the Locations pane and filters based on the location you select from the navigation tree.

You can use the filters beneat the Locations pane to easily search for properties and revenue centers within an enterprise.

Figure 2-1 EMC Home Page Filters

This figure shows the filters available on the Home Page.
  • Filter: Enter the name of a property or revenue center to filter the navigation tree.

  • Coll: Click to collapse the navigation tree. If the navigation tree is collapsed when filtering, the search returns the top most level. For example, when you search for a revenue center, the navigation tree shows the property to which it belongs.

  • Exp: Click to expand the navigation tree.

  • #: Select to show the object number in front of properties and revenue centers in the navigation tree.

EMC remembers each user’s state at the time of exit. Therefore, the next time you log in, the EMC Home Page defaults to the location that was last viewed by you when EMC was closed.

Table View and Form View

Table view and form view are two views used to show information within modules.

Most modules open to table view, which is a grid view showing all records sorted by object number. Typically, the first two columns are the object number and name of the record. Table view is generally used when making bulk changes. When a record is changed, table view highlights the record in yellow.

Form view shows the same content that is available in table view, but for a single record. Depending on the data, sometimes form view shows more information than table view. For example, the Employee Roles module, which contains only object number and name in table view, contains several configurable tabs in form view. Form view includes a navigation bar that shows the object number and name of each record available, making record-to-record navigation easier. To navigate to a specific record, simply select the record within the navigation bar and the corresponding form view tabs populate with the selected record’s information.

Three methods are available for switching between table view and form view:
  • Click the Toggle Table/Form View icon on the EMC toolbar.

  • While in table view, double-click the Object Number column to open form view.

  • While in form view, double-click the object number/name in the navigation bar to open table view.

Module Record Filters

By default, most modules in EMC show all of the available records when opened. You can remove unwanted records from view using the filters available in table view. The filters appear above the table and is set to Show All Records.

Figure 2-2 EMC Filter Section in Table View

This figure shows an image of the Filter section available in table view.
When records are filtered,
  • Form view shows only the records that appear in table view. While in form view, the navigation buttons (next, previous, first, and last) change to only the records that appear in table view.

  • The Option Bit Comparison Dialog shows only the records that appear in table view.

The Menu Item Maintenance module provides additional filters for streamlining the records. See Search and Filter Menu Items in the Simphony Essentials Configuration Guide or Searching and Filtering Menu Items in the Simphony Configuration Guide for more information.

Sorting Records

In EMC, you can sort records presented in tables by one of the columns. By default, records are sorted by object number. To sort by another column, click the column header.

EMC Toolbar

EMC uses common controls that are familiar to most users. For example, the top of the screen includes a menu bar with the standard File, Edit, and View options. Additionally, a number of navigational icons are available on the toolbar.

The following table describes the icons on the EMC toolbar. You can also access the functions performed by these icons within the menu bar.

Table 2-1 EMC Toolbar Icons

Toolbar Icon Name Function Available in Table View? Available in Form View?

This figure shows the Refresh icon.


Performs a refresh of the data in the current module.



This figure shows the Close icon.


Closes the currently active module.



This figure shows the Close All icon.

Close All

Closes all open modules.



This figure shows the Location Selector icon.

Location Selector

Opens the current module in another property or revenue center. This icon is enabled only if you open a module from the property or revenue center level.



This figure shows the Language Translation icon.

Language Translation

Opens the EMC Record Translation dialog. This icon is enabled only when the current GUI control is a translatable text field.



This figure shows the Print icon.


Opens a dialog that allows you to print records from table view.



This figure shows the Save icon.


Saves changes to records in the currently active module. This icon is enabled only when changes have are made to the current module.

When you insert a new record to a module, the application automatically saves that record. To invoke this icon, you must make initial entries or modify an existing record entry.



This figure shows the Show All icon.

Save All

Saves changes to records in all open modules. This icon is enabled only when any open module has its records change.



This figure shows the Insert icon.


Adds a new record to the module. This icon is enabled only when the current module supports the Insert functionality and only when the logged-in user has Employee Role permissions to add new records to the module.



This figure shows the Delete icon.


Deletes records. This icon is enabled only when the current module supports the Delete functionality, and only when the logged-in user has Employee Role permissions to delete records from the module.



This figure shows the Distribute icon.


Distributes records. This icon is enabled only when the EMC user is associated with an Enterprise Role with the option Distribute enabled, and only when the current module supports distribution.



This figure shows the Copy Records icon.

Copy Record(s)

Copies records while in table view.



This figure shows the Undo/Redo icon.


Performs the undo/reload function.

You cannot undo the addition or deletion of a record. EMC uses a record-level undo, where all changes to a single record are undone. You cannot undo a previous change because the flow and layout of EMC make this an impractical option. The standard Ctrl+Z functionality exists to undo changes to a text field.

In the Employee Maintenance and Menu Item Maintenance modules, undo is available through the right-click menu only.



This figure shows the Paste Records icon.

Paste Record(s)

Pastes records while in table view.



This figure shows the Toggle Table/Form View icon.

Toggle Table/Form View

Switches the current module between table view and form view.



This figure shows the First Record icon.

First Record

Navigates to the first record in the module.



This figure shows the Previous Record icon.

Previous Record

Navigates to the previous visible record in the module.



This figure shows the Next Record icon.

Next Record

Navigate to the next record.



This figure shows the Last Record icon.

Last Record

Navigates to the last record in the module.



This figure shows the Go To icon.

Go To

Opens a dialog that allows you to enter an object number and navigate to the specified record.



This figure shows the Find icon.


Opens a dialog that allow you to find a record based on text comparison in any column.



This figure shows the Go To Previous icon.

Go To Previous

In some modules, go to links are provided to quickly open other modules.



This figure shows the Navigation Bar icon.

Navigation Bar

Switches the visibility of the navigation bar in form view.

