Personal User Dashboard Pages

This dashboard includes the following tabbed pages:

Personal User Case History

This page displays reports on the locked case versions that have been worked on (in any workflow state prior to case lock) by the user who is viewing this page.

This page includes the following prompt, which is common to all its reports:

  • Product Name: Lists the product name in the case.

This page includes the following reports:

Personal User Case Management

This page displays reports on the cases that are currently assigned to the user who is viewing this page, as well as cases assigned to the group(s) to which that user belongs.

This page includes the following prompts, which are common to all its reports:

  • Product Name: Lists the product name in the case.
  • Routing User Group: Lists the names of the routing user groups in the case.

This page includes the following reports:

Personal User Case Work History

This page displays reports on the case work that has been performed by the user who is viewing this page. Case work is measured using the timestamps recorded when the user opened and closed cases.

This page includes the following prompts, which are common to all its reports:

  • Case Processing Site: Lists the name of the case processing site.
  • Case Type: Lists the type of the case.
  • Study ID: Lists the Study ID used in the case.
  • Product Name: Lists the product name in the case.
  • Case Seriousness: Lists the seriousness of the case.

This page includes the following reports:

Personal User Expedited Report History

This page displays reports on the expedited reports that have been submitted by the user who is viewing this page.

This page includes the following prompts, which are common to all its reports:

  • Report Destination: Lists the reporting destination for the case.
  • Report Assigned User Group: Lists the names of the user group to which the report has been assigned.
  • Report Submission/MDN Month Between: Lists the period of report submission/MDN month for the case.

This page includes the following reports:

Personal User Expedited Report Management

This page displays reports on the expedited reports that are currently assigned to the user who is viewing this page, as well as expedited reports assigned to the group(s) to which that user belongs.

This page includes the following prompts, which are common to all its reports:

  • Report Destination: Lists the reporting destination for the case.
  • Report Assigned User Group: Lists the names of the user group to which the report has been assigned.

This page includes the following reports: