Set Up the Attributes Specific ONLY to Oracle Argus Mart

Oracle Argus Insight supports queries for analysis of the historical case data based on specific date/time through Oracle Argus Mart. To enable access to this data in Oracle Argus Mart, you need to set specific attributes.

The following is the list of profile switch along with their value required to be set to populate Oracle Argus Insight data into Oracle Argus Mart database.

Table 8-3 Oracle Argus Mart Specific Attribute-Value set

Attribute Value

Oracle Argus Insight Application Data Source

Enables you to configure the data source for Oracle Argus Insight. You may run your queries for Oracle Argus Insight or Oracle Argus Mart depending on the value configured in this switch.

Argus Mart — Enable queries on Oracle Argus Insight data source only.

Insight Mart — Enable queries on Argus Insight data source only.

Both (Oracle Argus Insight Mart and Oracle Argus Mart) — You may choose between Oracle Argus Insight Mart and Oracle Argus Mart data sources for creating and executing your queries. All the queries and case series created on these data sources can be identified in the application.


Specify the database instance name for the Oracle Argus Mart data mart. This information enables to connect Oracle Argus Insight with Oracle Argus Mart database.


Specify the schema user created for Oracle Argus Insight in Oracle Argus Mart database. This user may perform all the background functions from Oracle Argus Insight application to Oracle Argus Mart database including querying and reporting.


Specify the password of the schema user created for Oracle Argus Insight in Oracle Argus Mart database that is, the password of user configured in ARGUS MART USER NAME.



Use Oracle Argus Safety Console to enable this profile switch.

This profile switch must be set to Yes to link Oracle Argus Insight database to Oracle Argus Mart database.

Yes — Enable Oracle Argus InsightProcessing for Oracle Argus Mart.

No — Disable Oracle Argus Insight Processing for Oracle Argus Mart.


These profile switches are optional and should be configured only if you want to run Advanced Conditions on Oracle Argus Mart database.

Oracle Argus Mart database TNS should be added in the Oracle Argus Insight Web Server TNS and Oracle Argus Insight Database Server TNS.

Oracle Argus Insight Database Server TNS should be added in the Oracle Argus Mart Database TNS.

To set these attributes:

  1. On the Administration Tools screen, click the List Maintenance tab.
  2. From the List Maintenance Items group, select Profile Switches.
  3. From the Attributes group, select a profile switch, and click Modify.
    The Modify Attributes dialog box appears.


    See Table 8-3.
  4. In the Value field, enter a value, and click OK.
    The profile switch is set and you return to List Maintenance tab.
  5. Log on to Oracle Argus Safety Console in separate window, and set ENABLE_AI_PROCESSING profile switch to Yes.