Configuring Auto Archiving

This screen enables you to configure the auto-archiving. Select System Configuration > System Management to view the Common Profile Configuration screen.


The Common Profile folder appears in a tree-view on the left panel. The components are categorized as folders. Each folder contains all the field labels associated with that section.

The default rule requires that the following options must be completed before a case is auto-archived:

  • All Action Items Closed
  • All Reports Submitted or Marked required for Non-Submission
  • All Events are encoded
  • All Letters are sent
  • All Cases are locked

Apart from this default rule, you can also configure additional rules/criteria for auto-archiving cases from this screen.

  • Workflow State (Configurable by the user) - This option enables you to select Workflow States. Cases that fall in the specified workflow states can be auto-archived.
  • Advanced Conditions selection (Configurable by the user) - This option enables you to specify advanced conditions. Cases that meet the specified advanced conditions, can be auto-archived.

This feature enables you to define rules for automatically archiving those cases that meet the defined rules.

To view the list of field names associated with the Case Processing > Auto Archiving section, click the Auto Archiving folder in the left panel.

The field names associated with Auto Archiving Configuration appear in the right panel.

Field Descriptions

The following table lists the fields available under Auto Archiving Configuration:

Field/Control Name Description

Workflow States

The Select button enables you to select workflow states from a list of workflow states. The selected workflow states are displayed in the text box.

Cases that belong to these workflow states are marked to be auto-archived.

Advanced Condition

Enables you to specify advanced conditions for auto-archiving cases. Cases that meet the advanced conditions are marked to be auto-archived.

Refer to Advanced Conditions for details on creating advanced conditions.

Case Archiving Comment

Enables you to enter a pre-defined case close comment, of up to 200 characters. The information entered in this field is displayed in the Case Routing and Case Archive notes.

Execution Period (in Days)

Enables you to define how often the cases will be archived.


You can enter up to 99 days only.

If no value is entered, the cases will not be auto-archived.

Use the following procedure to configure the auto archiving options

  1. Select the workflow states for auto-archiving cases from Workflow States.
  2. Create the advanced conditions for archiving cases in Advanced Condition.
  3. Enter the Case Archiving Comment as a pre-defined case close comment.
  4. Enter how often the cases will be archived, as per number of days, under Execution Period.
  5. Click Save to save the changes made.