Configuring System Maintenance

To streamline operations and improve performance of the Oracle Argus Safety, some mandatory updates are applied, during which, the system must be made unavailable for use. This is done to prevent case updates and maximize processing power of the database to speed up the maintenance activity.

For the example:

Before MedDRA recode activity starts, it is recommended that users logout and not process cases.

The Global Admin users can control the availability of the system by setting the operational mode of the system. As this parameter has access at the global level, it is applied to all the web servers, and in case of multiple enterprises, it is applied to all the enterprises.

To set the operational mode of the system:

  1. Go to Argus Console > System Management (Common Profile Switches) > System Maintenance.
  2. Select one of the following options:
    • System Live (default)

      Only Global Admin users can select this option.

      When this option is selected, all the services like, AG services, ESM services, Windows services, DB Jobs, and others work as intended. Besides, login for all the users work as intended.

    • System down for Maintenance

      Any user can select this option when required.

      When this option is selected, all the following services come to a halt, and resume when the system is available again.

      • Oracle Argus Interchange services, like E2B Transmit and E2B Import
      • Oracle Argus Safety services, like AG services
      • EOSU
      • Auto Archiving
      • Duplicate Search
      • OOTB Database Jobs (including PDP job and auto-archive job), and Oracle Cloud - extensibility jobs
      • Oracle Argus Safety Windows Service making Dictionary Loading and Oracle Argus Dossier unavailable.


        MedDRA Recode can be performed when the system is in maintenance mode.
      The following message appears when you log in to Oracle Argus Safety, Oracle Argus Safety Japan, Oracle Argus Insight, Oracle Argus Affiliate, and Oracle Argus Unblinding:
      System is currently down for maintenance. Please contact your system administrator for more
      Only the Global Admin users can login the application in this mode, and can access the following operations:
      • Access Oracle Argus Console.
      • Open case forms and work on them.
      • Book-In new cases via case form.
      • Initiate MedDRA recoding from self-service.


      Oracle recommends that administrators plan the maintenance activity and inform the users before it is enabled. Administrators must evaluate the impact on custom jobs on non-Oracle maintained schemas and third party integrations during this mode.

      Besides, users who have already logged-in to the system before beginning of the maintenance activity will be able to continue their work on the system.