Using Advanced Conditions

Use the following procedure when using advanced conditions.

  1. Click the Select lookup to view/edit/create the Advanced Condition in the Advanced Condition dialog.


    Only trusted users should be given access to the Advanced Condition, as users with this access will have complete access to the information in the Argus schema.

  2. To use advanced conditions, the following options are available, depending on how the set of criteria is to be used:
    • To use a set of previously saved criteria, select the appropriate set of criteria from the Advanced Condition list

    • To add a new condition to a set of criteria, select the set of criteria from the Advanced list and click the adjoining Advanced Condition icon.

    • To enable the creation of new advanced conditions by associating logical operators (like AND, OR) with items from the Case Form, refer to Creating Advanced Conditions.

    • To create an advanced condition query set from existing advanced condition search criteria, refer to Creating a Query Set of Advanced Conditions.