8 Using Advanced Conditions

This section discusses how to create and use Advanced Conditions. If you do not have access to the advanced conditions on certain screens, the system displays only the Advanced Condition Names you can access (instead of displaying a blank) and does not permit you to modify or view the advanced condition details. The system displays a warning message stating that you do not have permissions to update the advanced conditions. The following screens are affected by this change:

  • Expedited Reporting Rules
  • Auto Signals
  • Batch Reports
  • Letters
  • Studies
  • Case Priority
  • Field Validation
  • Narrative Templates
  • Profile Switches | Auto Archiving

This option is available from the Advanced Conditions icon.

Oracle Argus Safety provides a powerful search tool that enables complex queries to be built in order to retrieve data from the system. Detailed knowledge of the database schema is not required.

Complex or non-standard queries are constructed by means of the Advanced Conditions dialog, that enable users to define field level search criteria.

Sets of search criteria (advanced conditions) can be saved and retrieved from the Advanced Conditions dialog. These conditions may then be added, edited, or deleted.

Access rights and permissions can be assigned to individual advanced conditions. You can execute and modify rights to one or more groups on a per-advanced condition basis.

For more information, see: