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Forms and sections editor—Option descriptions

Columns common to all study object editors

Forms editor—Option descriptions




Title of the associated form, or None, if the form is not associated with another form.


Indicates that the form is common. The same data is visible in all study events that contain the form.

Fixed (sections only)

Indicates that the section is a repeating section containing items for which the text is fixed and repeated in each instance of the item.

Item Required

Indicates that a value must be entered for the item for the form to be considered complete.

Page Key Value

Value of the Clintrial page key, used for transferring data to the Clintrial application through CIS mappings. If you specify the Page Key Value, it overrides the form RefName as the page key.


Indicates that the form or section is repeating. Multiple instances of the same set of data appear in the form or section.

SDV Critical

Indicates that the study object is considered critical for source verification. If you select SDV Critical, SDV Required becomes selected as well.

SDV Required

Indicates that the study object must be source verified in the InForm application.

Short Title

Short title of the form. The short title is deployed to the InForm application as the form mnemonic. The short title can have 1-63 characters.

Special Forms

Type of special InForm form, or None, indicating that the form is not a special InForm form. Available special forms are:

  • Screening
  • Enrollment
  • Patient Identification
  • Study Completion


Note: To type extended ASCII characters in text fields, press ALT while entering the decimal code for the character. You can also add HTML formatting characters to a text field to control its appearance when deployed.

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