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Study Baselines Difference report

Level at which the report runs

The report runs at the study level.


The report lists:

You can export the report to a comma-separated value (CSV) file type.



Use the report to compare the study objects in valid baselines. For each study object that changed, the report displays either detailed or grouped information.

Running the report decreases the amount of time it takes to determine the differences between two valid public study baselines.

Objects in the Study Baselines Difference report

Objects with detailed information

Objects with grouped information

  • Codelists
  • Codelist items
  • Codelist subsets
  • Constants
  • Custom events (the custom event study object and its properties)
  • Data mappings
  • Data series
  • Data sets (including custom dimensions)
  • Elements
  • Events
  • Forms
  • Items (compound, date, time, float, integer, and text)
  • Mapped items (items mapped to a data series)
  • Rules (global condition, data entry, and workflow)
  • Rule templates
  • Sections
  • Study design
  • Study-level styles
  • Custom event triggers
  • Custom event results
  • Form layouts
  • Functions
  • Help
  • Rules (complex changes to a rule and actions changed for a rule)
  • Workflows
  • Workflow layouts

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